xt7tdz031403_6 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7tdz031403/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7tdz031403/data/65m2.dao.xml unknown 0.23 Cubic Feet 1 box archival material 65m2 English University of Kentucky Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky.  The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact Special Collections.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. J.J. Glenn papers Hopkins Academy text Hopkins Academy 2024 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7tdz031403/data/65m2/Box_1/Folder_6/Multipage43.pdf undated section false xt7tdz031403_6 xt7tdz031403 r1(3131’»\’IY.\IS> ACADEMY.

I Wish harahy to thank Han.W.L.Gordan, Sr., fer libh or the

ted ia Uspkim

The fixst sshccl lewislatiun in the stats of Keatasky was an
Ast 0f tha legislature approvsd abraary.lfigienfiebryary 10, 795,denating
aEd sattiag apart a! the public lands or the stdté fer sohaol yuryoses.
Six thausand 33:53 5aah at thi a laad was set apalt for1+lanklin,8aleu,
and Yeatxcky acad5nios,and far Jeffersea and L5xing¥tom Seninarias.

Within 20 years the sand aac at of land was granted to a samba
er cthar Galatias and towns. On January 31,1618 a I act of the logilla
ture was a§§roved establis lag wlat was then his!) as Hepkias Aoadn-y,
:agltha‘w d."hmwwgggéggywnt‘prkwénCwficadenv. A board of trastges was
appaiaiad Us have the lanagfiment at th -13 prepazty. The site selotted
was just 01 the eutsids the tgwn limits of tha team or Madisonville,iut
afterward whan ths limits of the town werfi extended beta-9 a part of
the aity.

The let was d.tuat5d on the corner of Cross "all and Stainary
Str55t3 and Was daedsd for sshccl purpoags hy J985ph Fuqua. The new
Pumherland Pr5sbyt5rian sharsh stands on part or this let. Th? first
bailding created Was a! brick. It was built seen 0 after the deed was
nlda ta the property «ran sane cause the building 3003 fell ir its data;
, aad rathor tee 3:311 for the parpeses,was torn down aad a two stery
rane granted in its stead. It was nat long haters this was Earned aad
than was erected a brick structare,aontaining but aaa-reo- whish was
a Tvt 22 X 45 feet squ5re.


Thar: are hazy peeple both in “adiselvills and the aoantry
:ho well ranenber the last building and also quite a nuub5r cf “fig?

atteaidsd sshcel and got much of th ir sdacatian in the old bziak‘fiuadeg




Please §&rdon the digressiom,but the first school I taught im.M&disan

ville was it this saga building. It was at that tile in a very dilapi
dated sonditieakét it was tht best tha tows somld,cr did afferd.

For 3 answer cf years berets the establishnwat of the present
pthlis sshesl system at the tawa cf Madiscsville,th$ olé Academy was

not usad fer any puryose. The pro arty had passad on down tram one Sfit

£5 «v
91‘:de :53»:

of trustees ta another when F.I.Gordon, Sr., ¥.K.%frdon, John T Ssctt,
T.'E%.szes, :31: R L Beats and c J Waddill tecwe mt- W at the old
building. As there were as fusds fer ktapirv tht b ildipg in rspair asd
as it was useless for tha purpose intended by the legislature establish

lag Hepkins Asada-y,the yrcpaarty Was sold fsr abcit $1,800. Fhiemneas;

Ia 1595,th6 trustets or the Hopkins Academy fand,tarned the
floaty with assusulated intere;2;:; the trustees of tha Madisenville
Graded Sshccls ta assit in paying fer the East Braadway Ssheol building
The sun anountad to $2009.60. For this donation it was agreed that tha
Madisonville Graded Ssheol should Gash ylar tarnish frog tuition to
seven pupils frat the Cetnty at large.

It is perhaps set eat 9f place ta stats in this sonnestian

’that there was 39 sssh a thing knew: in the state of Kontusky,aatil

as a frss,9r publis school for the boys and girls 75 years ago. It was
in February 1858 that an act of the legislature Was appreved,establish
133 a systsn at Public sshools for the stat... It night aslse be wall
enou h ta state that these ssheols were not at all effisiPnt until fibcut
1870,33 it flu! in 1339 tb at thsrt was a tax voted that made it pcssith
to naiatas a systex er ptblis schools for the state. ,3; gl/t*~ru

wgmml .,

Jfik ”J; K (Ag/4“ .‘1 (3:3; )LL‘! £5215? /;;,1 (3

f.) M
/{Mflfld£1’7[fii Wfl’i, fl/(V (9;;lfé" ’
fle/rwdzy fiflig’tmxmfir ‘2 x mm f’fi’i‘g It! 6“ £4»
