g t _ Vol. III LEXINGTON, KY., FEBRUARY 23, 1%*11 Neff .
"HELL FUR SARTIN." team work showed considerable lm- any patriotism that may have been be present.
...... provement. Captain Galser played a asleep. To Prof. Farquhar is due the The "Wild Cats" got a bad start this
KEN-I-UcKy.8 FAMOUS NOVELIST strong aggressive game at guard, his credit for arranging this celebration season but they have now hit their
IN CHAPEL LAST MONDAY_ man making only one fleld goal, while and he ls to be thanked for the ex- stride. To those who wish to see a
he himself annexed flve. Harrison cellent program which he arranged good game of basketball tonight come
3 John Fox, Jn, Guut of State Studentm wlas the best point galner for State, Below is given a program of the d0W!1 to 016 Armory and See captain
making seven goals. Hart and Marx evening: "Jake" and his quartet perform.
On last Monday morning the my worked together in full style, both Program. A
dents of Kentucky had an Opportunity making many difficult shots. Overture ................... . .Band ———————————
of listening to the foremost writer Ot For Georgetown, Herring played the "My Lady Chlo" ......... Glee Club
this Commonwealth Mr. John Fox, best game. His floor work and pass- (Declamation) TENNIS CLUB.
JL, was kind enough to pay us a visit, ing was accurate and his throwing of Jefferson’s Characterization of. .. -————
and one that wm not be forgotten goals good. Parrings at guard, stuck Washington ...... . ........ Jetton ORGANIZATION TO BE PERFECT-
Boon by those who heard him speak. to his man like a leech all through Music ........... . ......... ..Band ED.
  Prof. Mackenzie of the English d°_ the game, and should make a valuable (0rati0n) ·—;-
‘l»· t partmenh introduced the speaker in guard in another season. The Independent Voter .... Rochester Tournaments With Other Colleges.
eloquent and wen chosen remarks. The work of the ofllcials was above "Dry Yo Eyes" ............ Glee Club —-——
Mr. FOX mad several selections from reproach. This was particularly true (Oration) A movement is on foot to organize
his book of Short Stories, HHGII fm, of the umpire Mr. H. A. Babb, who Patriotic Education ...... J. T, Miller a Tennis Association for the govern-
Sartiux, and the audience was held succeeded in getting enough breath Standard American Airs, (Violin ment of this sport and also to ar-
Spcubmmd while he portrayed the together at one time to blow his whis- Solo) ......... . ........... range for holding matches with other
part of the mountamem, story teller tle for a foul on a-Georgetown play- ..Miss Marking and Miss Boreing colleges. Kentucky has quite a num-
Au who heard him could not but feel er. Kentucky had several meters Solo, (Selected) ......... E. H. Smith ber of the devotees of this sport and
sorry for the man who lead the hymhs present, who made themselves mam- (Paper) it is hoped that enough will manifest
in an endeavor to get ..Aunt Sally fest by their excellent rooting, Woman at Patriot ,,,Migg Mgtthgwg interest in this so that we can have a
Watkins to come through with the Line-Up. Music ......... . ......... . .... Band '1`e¤nis Team this year.
Sp€·» and his reply to the request KGHUICKY Georgetown. (Oration) If enouugh show interest in this
for one more hymn was the only 10gi_ Hart .............. . ....... Herring International Patriotism ..J. O. Lewis f0¤‘¤\ of athletics it iS proposed to
cal one to make. Mn FOX than read Forward. America ......... . ........ Audience have thi? C0\11'¤S Put into C0¤diti0H wld
Several other Short Stories from mem Marx ......... . ............., Jones possibly have two more added. Al-
Ory an dealing with the mountain p€0_ Forward, though everyone canot be "star" still
pleaud their customs and crGeds_ HB Harrison .......... ..Vanlandingham BUTLER COLLEGE TONIGHT. Practice makes D€¤`f€€l3 Mid if U16 ill-
is possessed of a magnificent voice for C°°t°r· ·-—· mrest is kept up* a g°°d player wm
reading the Selections chosen and one Gaiser ....... . ....... . .... Parringg MEN FROM HOOSIER STATE IN soon be developed. Even if you do
could hardly help but imagine the Guard. ARMORY TONIGHT. not care to take part in the tourna-
mu mounmiueer telling the Story him_ Preston ......... . ........... Rhoten -·——· mem? _ hand in Your ¤8·m€¤ ¤¤YW¤·Y
Sem President Patterson closed the Guard. Butler Has Best Secondary Team in and ll enough show interest the
exercises with a few complimentary Barnett ............... . ...., Indiana. Courts ¢a¤’be made as attractive as
remarks saying that in Mr. Fox the Guard _`”` those gt “ wdlaud Park'
moumam people of Kentucky had a Referee, Hinton, Georgetown. Tonight Kentucky will have as their I€·\\'1U be 11€C€SSal‘y to know im-
Sympatheuc fmmd_ It is hoped that Umpire, Babb, State. guest "The Gentlemen from Indiana." lllédmlelsz how many of the student
he wm and time to visit this mSu_ Score: First half, Kentucky, 21; The quintet from the Hoosier capital body which to go into this associa-
tumm again and the Student body Georgetown, 11; total, Kentucky, 47, will play against our team in the {M11 S0. that ihé <‘0ur‘tS may be pre-
wm accord him a hearty welcome Georgetown, 22. Armory and a battle royal is expected. 1*31*3*} i0l‘ ihé SD1‘i11g. All these who
whenever he returns. Butler (jgllggg for {hg past few year; 3I`9 lll(6l‘t‘S[9d lll [€lllllS had lll {IIB
_ WASHlNGTON’S BIRTHDAY. has been 8, prominent factor m the names to Marx, ’12 Arts, as soon as
KENTUCKY v|c·|·gg|gU3 QVER ·-—— athletics of secondary colleges of In- l*0SSibl8·
GEORGE1-OvIN_ OCCASUON CELEBRATED IN dlalla, and thlS )'€&l‘ th€)’ have 3 DRS-
____ CHAPEL. ketball team that is a "hummer." A -1-•-••——————
gAgKE·|·gAL|_ -|-EAM pLAyg gggp -—— word about the work of this team:
GAME ON 81-RANGE FLOOR. Good Program Rendered. Butler has met and defeated all teams 'DEA TO RUN A CALENDAR-
._.. ———— in Indiana except Purdue, and in this —*‘
Kentucky, 47; Georgetown, 22. Last night the students gathered ln game the scope was close Purdue Heretofore the various clubs and or-
On last Friday night State’s quintet the chapel and paid tribute to the is now in the lead for the champion- sanizations NW6 h8d to FGIY 0¤ 016
defeated the Georgetown tive in the birth of the father of this great coun- ship of the West in basketball, so it bulletin b0¤¤‘d¤ for D¤bUShi¤S ¤0ti¢6¤
latter’s gymnasium by the one-sided try of ours by indulging in song and ls evident that the game ls not going of meetings and gatherings and quite
score of 47 to 22. This score, how- speech. The oratlons were well ren- to be a snap. often these notices were not seen.
ever, ls not indicative of the playing dered and appreciated. The violin Do not think for a minute that Ken- 'l`he Idea intends to run a column of
of Georgetown, for the flrst few mln- solos well pleasing and heartily en- tucky has been idle. To those com- notices under the bead of "Unive1·sity
utes of play the score stood 7 to 2 ln cored. The Glee Club was out and petent to judge, State has improved C8l6¤d8¤‘." SiVi¤8 GU i¤f0¤‘¤1¤·U0¤ i¤
favor of the Baptists. helped make the occaslon joyous by one hundred per cent since the last regard to meetings. Any one club
The team played much better than their songs and the solos by Mr. Smith home game and the play tonight will that has any notices to be posted in
in the game with Bethany and the being especially pleasing. The band open up the eyes of any ot the mem- the "Idea" please hand them ln to
passing was more accurate and ths was out with martial music to stlr up bers of the "Anvll Chorus" who may Ernest Becker before Tuesday night.