UiJiver's . ` y of Kentucky
                            .:ft .ngton

     Minutes of the P.eguaz- Monthly Meeting of the Executive Com-
mittee of the Board of Trustees, University of Kentucky for ITednes-
day, January 21, 1920

     The Ekxeoutive Committee of the Board of Trustees, University
of Xentucky, met in regular monthly meeting in the President's
office at the University on Wednesday, January 21, 1920.  On roll
0all the following members were present: R. C. Stoll, P. P. Johns-
ton, Jr., Rainey T'. Well.rl  and R. P. Ernst,  President McVey and
Wellington Patrick, Secretary of the Committee were also present.

     (1) Adoption of Minutes.  The minutes of the previous meet-
ing were read and adopted.

     (2) aaport of the Business Agent.  The report of the Business
Agent was read and ordered filed.

     (3) Donation from the Jockey Club.  The following oommuni-
oation from Senator Camden was read and ordered incorporated in
the minutes:

                                   Versxilles, Kentucky
                                        December 24, 1919

     President MoVey
          State University
               Lexington, Xentuocky

     My dear Presia2ent McVey:

          It gives me pleasure to inform you that in accordance
     with a resolution passed by the Board of Directors, at
     its meeting on Deoember 19, The Kentucky Jockey Club,
     authorizes the sum of Dive Thousand Dollars ($5,000) to
     be presented to the Agrioultural Department of the Uni-
     versity to be used in the promotion of the Horse interests
     of the State of Kentucky.