
         I would be pleased to have you and Professor Hooper
    and Professor Aindrso-in avnt Professor Good take one o'clock
    dinner with me, to Eouit this matter, on any day that
    suits your joint een-; _a ienoe.

         I would suggest this coming Sunday, the 28, or the
    4th ol January, and. will ask;you tobplease let me know
    if tL;.s will be agreeable to all of you.

         With kindest personal regards, and the seasons greet-
     ings, always

                                        Sincerely yours,

                              (Signed) J. N. Camden

    The following resolution with respect to the donation was
formally adopted by the Committee:

          The Board of Trustees of the University of Zentucky
     desires to acknowledge the gift of the Jockey Club in the
     sum of $5,000 arnd at the same time to express their ap-
     preciation.   I.. is understood that the money shall be
     used for the advancement of the horse industry and it is
     accepted with that in view.   The Secretary of the Board
     is inst-ructed to serz& a copy of this resolution to the
     E'resident of the Jockey Club.

     (4) Contract with Creat Southern Refinini Company.   A com-
munication was read arola Sean Cooper presenting for oonsideration
a form of contrast With the Great Southern Refining Ccmpany per-
mitting that company to lay a pipe line across the University
farm.   On motion the mutter was referred to President MoVeT and
Mr. Stoll with powor to act@, and with instructions to enter into
such cortract as may be agreed upon.

     (5) At~te*-neyz ietje. l 's O!in5.on on AprIiation to Meet the
             _. _                   q-_   pr   _i .o  to
Smith-tever Funds-   DIU-. Stoll presented to the Committee the fol-
lowing conmm:ni-a cro D1 from h.he Atr-orney General whioh was read and
ordered incorporated in the minutes: