
         In addition to this, it is a general rule of law
    that as to acts passed at the same session of the General
    Assembly, such a construction should be given to them, if
    possible, as to give force and effect to the provisions
    of each; and following this principle, it would seem to
    this office that the proper construction for the courts
    to put upon the two acts in question would be to hold that
    sections 13 and l8 apply only to acts passed prior to the
    session of 1918, and that the provisions of chapter 127
    of the Acts of 1918 were intended to be an exception to
    the provisions of section 13 of the Budget Appropriation
    Commission act.

          ?or the reasons stated above, it is the opinion of
     this office that it will not be necessary to submit to
     the Budget Commission and secure through it the appro-
     priation provided for by the Act of 1918'.

                                        Yours very truly,

                                  (Signed) Charles 1. Dawson,
                                         Attorney General.

     (6) Geological Survey.   President MoVey reported to the Com-
mittee that as the result of an act passed by the last legislature
the State departments of Geology and Forestry have been united in-
to one department under a commissioner and deputy commissioner of
geology and forestry.   President McVey pointed out that about six
years ago the geological survey was removed from the University to
?rankfort; that about $25,000 annually was available for carrying
on the work; that the fields of botany and zoology in the State were
practically undeveloped altho Kentucky is a rich field for this work
and abounds in resources and material for botanical and zoological
research; that unless something is done in the near future in these
fields, outside agencies will develop the State along these lines.
Pyesidditi'movey suggested to the Committee the advisability of the
University' s taking over the geological survey and also developing
a survey in botany and zoology.   The Committee received the matter
favorably and requested the President to make proper representa-
tions to the Governor on this point.

     (7) Building Site for Sigma Nu Fraternity.   Mr. Keeling
Pulliam representing the Sigma Nu Fraternity appeared before the
Committee and made application for a building site for a fratern-
ity house for the Sigma Nu.   Be stated that his fraternity was
prepared to erect a building without the necessity of carrying a
mortage on the property and applied for a site on Winslow street.
On motion the matter was referred to a committee consisting of Mr.
Ernst, Mr. Johnston and President McVey.