
    Appointment of E. S. Fergus as instructor in farm crops at M
salary of $2,000 a year, effective ?ebruary 1, 1920.   He is a
graduate of Ohio Agrioul-tural College, receiving his master's de-
gree in 1918.   Sinoe May, he has been vwith the Indiana Experiment
S',.ation in charge of work that gives him the experience to carry
ou his wzork here.

     Appc r^A.men.t of Booses Alperin as stenographer in the Department
of 33vA. 1Tngineering, a;; a sangry of $25 a month, effective January
1: 1 0 to take the place of John Bitterman resigned.

     Appointment of Kyle C. Vtestover as instructor in horticulture,
at a salary of $1,800 a year, effective on his arrival for duty.
The appointment is made subject to specific action of the Board of
Trustees on June 30 as to his employment for the coming year.   He
is to be employed in the position left vacant by the resignation
of F. J. Sttton.   He is a graduate of New Hampshire College of

     Appointment of Miss Nocola Brent as clerk in the PubliQ 3erv-
ice Department at a salary of $50 a month, effective February 1, 1920.

     Appointment of John Ligon, assistant county agent, Campbell
County. Kentuoky, at a salary of $120.08 113 a month, effective
December 1, 1919, for a period of three months.

     Appointment of Robert M. Heath, assistant county agent, Old-
ham County. Xentucky, at a salary of $120.08 1/3 a month, effeo-
tive December 1, 1919, for a period of three months.

     Appointment of Eugene L. Jackson as Vegetable Histologist in
Experiment Station, effective March 1, 1920.   He is a graduate of
the University of Michigan.

     Appointment of kliss Margaret Hoeing, stenographer in the Steno-
graphio Bureau, at a salary of $60 a-jnonth, effective January 5, 1920.

     Appointment of Mias Pauline Wherry as Supervisor of Social
Service Training at the University of Kentucky for the second semes-
ter of the present year, her salary to be paid by the American Red

     Continuation of employment of E. J. Kilpatrick, county agent,
McCracken County, Xfentucky, at a salary of $225 a month, effective
January 1, 1920, for a period of twelve months.

     Continuation of employment of J. T. Taylor, county agent,
Jefferson Cour.ty, Kentucky, at a salary of $208 1/3 a month, effec-
tive January 1, 1920, for a period of twelve months.