
    Continuation of employmtnut of R. T. Johnson; county agent,
Doyd Coun`iy, Xe-,tuoky' at' a sa'.ary of $125.08 4/3 a month, effeo-
zzve !Deocnlner 1, 19g.9. tor a periol c eight months.

     OnLtiAruationi of eiinplxuyment of W. It. Reyiiolds, county agent,
7acitson, Leslie,. aci.nud Estill Ccunties, Xentuoiky, at a salary
of Si16 2,/' a month. effective January 1 1920, for a period of
twelve iotdS.

     Cor.tirua;zior of enploynaent of 09. L. Cunnin-gham, county agent,
Pultcn Couity, Xentucky', at a salary of $216 2/3 a months effective
Zanuary 1, 1920.. for a period of twelve months.

     Continuation of employmer't of A. S. Chapin, extension speoi1--
ist in poultry, at ai salary of $2,000 a year, effective Pebruary 1,

     Continuation of employment of I. C. Graddy, county agent,
Muh'.enberg County, Kentucky, at a salary of $150 a month, effective
January 1, 1920, for a period of twelve months.

     Continuation of employment of J. 0. Horning, county agent,
Barren County, Kentucky, at a salary of $162.50 a month, for a
period of twelve mozithsi effective January 1, 1920.

     Cont.nuation of employment of Else Brunhoff, home demonstra-
tion agent, Jefterson County, Kentucky, at a salary oZ $141 2/3 a
month, efec';ve January 1, 1920,. for a period of twelve months.

     Coentiuatior. of enprcryment of B. A. Hensley, County agent,
Johnson Count;r, Kdn tiot-vy, at a salary of $141 2/3 a month, eifeo-
-tive January 1, 1920, for a period of twelve morths.

     Cjrtinuation of emnploymenw of T. H; Jones, county agent, Laee
Conuty, Xertuck9, at a sal.ary of $116 2/3 a month, effective Jan-
Uary 1, 1920. for a period of ssx months.

     Corji.uuation of eni-loyment of Carl Wiek:.nzn, oouwty agent,
Kenton Ccux ityr, Kentuolcy, at a salary of $158 1/, a month, effeotive
:awaary 1, 1'320,.for a period of twelve months.

     CortiunmaAior of employment of R. R. Rudder, county agent, Whit-
ley County, Kentucky, at a salary of $116 2/3 a month, effeotive
.TA,,ac7 1. 1920, for a period. of six morthn.

     lppoirtment of K. L. Varney, ooitnty agent, Marsniall Co)nty,
Xentucihy, at a salary of $2i6 2/3 a month, effective 3anuary 1o, 1920,
fcr a period of twelve months.