
     Transfer and contiruat5on of employment of Charles L. Taylor,
oovnty agent, Henderson County Keiitucky, at a salary of $233 1/3
a month, effective January 1, 1920, for a period of twelve months.

     Continuation of emaployment of 14iss Willie' M. Neguire, home
demousta2.tion agent, Sirpson Clounty, Kentucky; at a salary of $125
a moutd', effective January 1, 1920, for a period of twelve months.

     Continuation of employment of Anna Ruble Orr, home dcotonstra-
tion agent, ?ulton County, Kentucky,. at a salary of $1'16 2/3 a
month, for a period of six months, effective January 1, 1920.

     Continuation of employment of Oscar Rice, county agent, ?boyd
County, Kentucky, at a salary of $125 a month, for a period of
twelve months., effective January 16, 1920.

     Continuation of employment of Miss Lucy Belle Settle, home
demonstration agent, UcCraoken County, Kentucky, at a salary of
$116 2/3 a month, for a period of twelve months, effective Jaauatyv
1, 1920.

     Continuation of employment of Mrs. George P. Hatton, home
demonstration agent, Galloway County, Kentucky, at a salary of $125
a month, for a period of twelve months, effective January 1, 1920.

                      Increases in Salaries

     Increase in salary of Miss Maple Moores, stenographer in the
Registrar's office to $85 a month, effective January 1, 1920.

      Increase in salary of Mrs. Katherine Lyon, head of Stenograph-
ic Bureau, to $100 a month, effective January 1, 1920.

     Increase in salary for Miss Elma Allen, stenographer in the
Stenographic Bureau, from $60 to $70 a month, effective January 1,

     Increase in salary of Miss Susan C. KidA, secretary in th.e
Extension Division, from $1,300 to $1,600 a year.. effective Jan-
uary 1, 1920.

     Inrease in salary of M. 0. Hughes to $3,200 a year, effeothive
January 1, 1920.   He resigned in December; his resignation was not
ac.cepted by the 3card.  He has been receiving $2,500 a year for
sore years without an increase.

     Inarease in salary of Miss Mary Huls, a stenographer i-a the
Department of Eduoation, from $60 to $65 a month, effective Jan-
uary 1, '1920.