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  I A STUDY or worms. 157 . A .  
 g~— I Ocrroimn, eighth, was the Saxon’s WINE MONTH, No-  
if  TEMBERVWEIS the S.axon’s WINDE MONTH and DEcEMnER;   i
 l his WINTER MONTH. In this month was the old yule log,. I -  
  Santa Claus jollity which still mixes in with Christmas. I  
  YEs sm and NO sm are combinations of the Teutonic;   .
  ‘ JA and NAY, yes and no, and the Latin s1RE, elder person,.  
  -.,q r To say yes sire implied great reverence. So also we have: 1  
  _ come to use the second person plural YOU instead of the ‘ p   _
  singular Tuou. It was used first in addressing royalty to.  
  `· imply that there were more than one in so great a person-- —  
  age. Some of our verbs have come up from the battle   J
‘   with Time considerably maimed. It would seem that GO  
  had become terribly confused in some aiiray and had p -   ‘
  · picked up the past of XVEND. So the verb TO BE and  
  I. many others. They ever stand the mutilated forms of ` _ ` .   .
  what was. `   V
  NAMES and SIRE NAMES and came into use after the con-  
  quest. The oldest pedigrees go no further back in sur- ‘—  
  _ names than the Early English period. i  
V We do not always preserve words as we receive   `
them. The Italian Eomo cA1·0 for instance meaning full.  
  sized sheet we call EooLs CAP. The French FRERE MA- _  
  soN, brother worker, we call FREE l`v{AsoN; the French   `
  DENT DE moo, lion’s tooth, we call DANDELIOTJ ; the Ger-  
’~-   ; I _ man XVEISSAGER, wise sayer, we call >v1sEAcRE. The  
  French taught us the polite reference of always drinking ` l
  the last cup to LE BON PERB, the good father, which we I
    have corrupted into the BUMPER. SIGNING oNE’s NAME
:"*" · points to a period of general illiteracy. GooD BYE was - ·
g once spoken Gon BE wxru YE. _ ·
’ _ _ With new introductions came new names. The first .
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