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  l o 158 » THE KENTUCKIAN. —  
  y r T _ nA1vfAsK·from DAMASCUS, cUR1zAN·rs from Co1z1NTH. The p  T   `
  Q   . , first TARIFF from TARIFA. ‘ `  
  With the revival of learning came many Greek and   'iii-
  Q . Latin terms. Most ofthe general and abstract terms are -  
`Ei; from that source. .   _
  ‘ From nicknames we have quaker, puritan, round- _  is
  ‘ head, whig, tory,`lV[ethodist, Calvinist and many others. , »  
  ’ Every wordtcould we but interpret it bears the recordl i  
  ` r V of human experience. The power of words has been ob-   . l
il . . , served by the writers ofall times. Emerson calls them  
il _ "fossil poetry." French F‘concentrated poems." Math-  fi.
§y ews says "cannon shot are very harmless things when   »-_i V
  ‘ piled up for show; so are words when piled up in the T  
ill! _ · pages ofa dictionary with no mind to select them and I   »
<{Qj · send them home to the mark. But let them receive the _   s
r   V vitalizipg touch of genius and how they leap into life."  
P Macaulay speaking of Milton’s nicety of word arrange-}   ’ ‘
  ment says "substitute one synonym for another and the ’  
A r {t whole etlect is destroyed. The spell loses its power, and T   T
ji ` he who should hope to conjure with it would find himself r  
_ as much mistaken as Cassim in the Arabian tale when he   K
stood crying "Open Wheat," "Open Barley," to the _  
  door which obeyed no sound but "Open Sesame." Solo- n  
  mon says "Words litly spoken are like apples of gold in  
i"  pictures of silver." Some poet has written, T   v `
._   , T "A frivolous wordsa sharp retort,   °
  A (lash from a passing cloud, T T   i
i T ° Two hearts are scathed to their utmost core; ‘  if
  I Sweet love lies dead for evermore, _ »    
J.; g Two faces turn to the crowd, {Q
T   ` Masked by pride with as lite long lie Ft .
E   To hide the scars of that agony." A T A
§L " i;4 `_A