¤ i T a F r u s is v r r   •  
` · S 152 y THE KENTUCKIAN. _ *  
’ _ It this is not true ofother States,   _
It certainly is down here—  
T . - _ ., . _ t Kentucky I ~ ‘  
._ l S We’ve women down here in the Bluegrass State F  
1 i Who could wear any crown that’s made; · "   ·
' They’re queens in their homes, and their hearts are  
" - true, t  
And their beauty does not fade. ' . `   y
S We give them the homage that is their due, ·  
~- S To protect them we wonld die;  
T And _there’s no other State like the one they call  
~ ` home, t   _
V Beneath God’s shining sky—  
_ Kentucky! - O   ___. ____
V _ t —Courier-journ al .  
Mus. M. A. Scovrmin.   .
t s—  
· F MAN’S first attempt at words .we know nothing.   '_-l T
® It is lost in that world of mist and conjecture where .  
` also are hidden most-or his beginnings. History’s S  
most remote trace is but an index pointing backward.  
The Hebrews have a legend that an angel came and  
· ‘ . ` taught man his first words. The Vedas deity language  {
D _ and teach that it was born of breath and mind. Modern f      
philologists generally agree, however, that it is born with l  
" ' us as is the effort to walk.   _
Language is that which most distinguished man from  
' the brute. The cock which crows today will utter the g   ‘
·~. sound that Peter heard, and which again was the same Q; Al
y · heard in the wild jungles of India before man domesti— A. ; -
  t t