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  {!::_·j_,;‘; {7 A  > . ` _ V ' V- ri, [
¥§Le·¤‘   i A - A - ‘ . - .. . s
  __—_ r . TRY THE $2.50, $3, 3..50 . E
  »*·5*   E T `· GOODYEAR WELT '
.1   ‘_· ‘f ·.»‘.» , A Served, Tan or Black, Box_Calf, · - T . P
Q     · Vici, Enamel, or Patent Leather., 4 V A ‘* , ~
    li '· (Reliable l\/Iakesl) _ A ‘ . » ‘ p
    és - - g»w•v\¤\*\ ev ;  
    Q, w`~»§E-E@§a§. ‘ ——
    F  l—»»   E   ,A.DI....¤EE»’ S     ·
    .   A o . » g · I ‘*
    T`_   I ‘ _ A I _ Corner l\lain and Mill Streets.
i'‘i»_ = "     A · THE LARGEST BOOK; STORE IN LEX\NGTOi‘|. A ’
    A Jann Ei, QQ-yeeeezra vv ay,  
I     · nooxs, sawrzcszxaxav Ann; rnwas, » ‘ 4
.   " A 26 East Main Street, has the largest assozrtnxent of Books and Fancy Articles ,
‘ . Q] . L suitable for Holiday Presents in the city. Everybody invitel to call and exam-
  .i ine for t»heniselves. Prices the cheapest. `
` e Q]   Diaries and Farmers} Almanac for 1900. p
l E " V A Fine assortment of · L ",?§ in steak at low prices. Also SHOES MADE. ,·
e »_    Men's arld Ladies’     T0 ORDER FROM $2.50 UP. V » ° * [
` I i   Men' Shoes Half Solecl, 60 cents. A ` 
‘ ;   Ladies’ Shoes Half Soled, 35 cents. ’  ‘
l' T . W V T ` 
  j.’ · JOE;. ‘§£;;.LVii%‘! EZ, 9 Evuth Miter- i , 
*‘ T . A,   .... -. ..., r ....   .... 4 ._     ._..   ....  ,.,..=,,......¤-··-,,,,,..,....-»-·.:. “ 
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‘ » "ip ·e···**—-·’ rtg »’ ‘ ·i—§_:;__2#‘¢*"s7  
  ‘   Q? g"     If you are on the alert for bargains, you
Tg To ’ {E? 7*   $5 must take advantagt of our offer.
  { ; gs ’ {J   Our new Heavy Sole Shoes are real iight- ` O
  · __     if ers. They will iight off the cloctor’s bills- ' L
  La,     they’ll keep pneumonia away-and keep your
°i zi ·;   _ ier t well protected. an
‘ .   » 4- .   5 A new line of handsome Patent Leathers, _ V
V .}i· A . ¤%_?._`Cé/\@r,l2f__@&j%,,g Z? just receivecl, price $3.98; cannot be found
  ‘ il I "@ "“¤’ Vw °"‘ "R€A- j elsewhere for less ilian $5. Come in and see "l
-   ; the variety of useful Xmas presents we have. Dancing Pumps, Skating Boots,
fi - · Fancy Shoes, Rubber Boots, Leather and Cloth Slippers and many others. ,;
    a   e ee    tiétt. e  
` A-  4 WEST MAIN.  
`   -`l‘ ‘  J '‘‘· A ‘ ` · A I A  ·. S  
‘··   ‘ V   .   -. . [ T. .     .· =*‘·f`j’   ‘*;~_-V .~ , .· sz ·Q,;;;r;a L»·¤—L+-·~·{*t*_.   ji
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