- . 154 I THE KENTUCKIAN. r ». t'   _·; 
  _ which have been preserved the Books of the Old Testa-— ~ -   _
  i I I ment, the language in which Solomon uttered his wisdom   ri ij 
  ‘ and David sang his psalms. It is the language of tha _  _’·‘ J
  I Jewish legendary store,,the Talmud. It embraces the g A »   r
  Armaic, peculiarly interesting to us because it was the   _
  tongue in which our Saviour spoke. It also includes the , i '  Q. .
{ A Arabic, in which was written that splendid phantasy, the `    I
j K n _Arabian Knights and the Koran, a "specim=:n of linguistic ` K _  
_ ‘ art and philological beauty." From this language we ·’ _ ‘ ·
  have derived our whole system of decimal notation, the _ V  
  ’ . foundation words of chemistry and astronomy. ` Y  
l _»ii l ~ The clues that thread this old labyrynth lead our own __ I  gi A
l . English to the tablelands of Asia, to the great Aryan _ ._  
family of language. p It includes the Sanskrit, the lan- I r  .
  guage of ancient India, in which is preserved the Vedas, , t  
  . ` . books of mythological superstitious, but mines of precious ,  _— ···» rr,
  philological gems, and where are found the germs of all-  it
  modern European languages. It includes the Persian, `   ‘ `
_. p the language of Zaroaster and the Zend Avesta; the _  
in Greek, thelanguage of Aristotle and Plato; the Latin of. I  at -
  Cicero, the Keltic, the Gothic, the Slavic andothers. A  
{ I The great framework ofthe English was brought by  
.. the Teutonic hordes across Northern Europe, the sofiened g it
* ‘ r outlines were filled in by those ithat came by the classic . —  
Mediterranean. The first impelled by the great Aryan I. I
  _ ·_ A wave westward were the Kelts, who left the shore of the A c
  Black Sea about izoo 13. C. Despite the work of cen-   »
  turies they hold their own today with an enthusiastic per- N _ 7  
"   _ sistency in parts of Ireland, Scotland, Isle of Man, Corn- I   g `
V ?f _ wall and vvaies. i -  j
  _ In the wake of the Kelis came another Aryan horde,   an
ji i ` the Goths, so—called from their battle cry, GOTH, mean- A
  " l ing soon or BRAVE. They took various names. GER- t i
p _ p IUANS were so called from GAR, DART and MAN, liter- t ` » ii I .
_ , » A r V t K . _   I
     ,  _     . r ( A A if if