1 and _ _ _ _ l
V s
1 Wllllam B. Arthur “l’°"lSl°“ of War Department ! I
. press releases and by his unfailin . . , l M
cation t t . h. _ g   »   l
,,0,, 1 HOIl0I°€(l ac m l;“°“la°lS W1ll1 ¤eWS1>·¤por -   4~e—   "“ · l
_ correspon ents.     o &
f hls · _  M »-cg" e.
ly was - Lieut. Col. William B, A]·thul·,     ,,_    
for a of Louisville, Chief of the Press Ellis ·l0llHS0l1   #M_   lMQM·M l l
Tmmd Branch of the War Department Returns to Morehead     l  
_ The Bureau of Public Reletions, was Recently released from the ,.     Y   l
estab . awarded the Legion of Merit for Navv, Ellis Johnson for-mer Uni   il M‘ I M
_ Mee- eXc<}>t1011H—llY101l1e1‘lt01‘l01lS Service versity of Kentucky, football and     _,    
ery of °“__‘l“““`l · beslfetball player, resumed his   , 'A  ,, 1
her of Llelllellalll Al`lhlll` WHS grad- P0SllZl0I1 HS head coach and Ath-   he TJ?  
lll year M uated from the University of Ken- letio Dl1`ect01‘ at Morehead State   ,,       ‘
Select-       A T€a·Ch€llS College, ]{[()l‘€h€iid I(Q]']- Ml       l
eennve .   ’’°‘i`i"’```"‘’‘:Z‘‘‘‘;`: ‘i E   tucky. :   a l`     li?  l 2
              f ·¤· ' AM,. l     l  
1   ’‘’'”   . ' ll lll 0  ' " M a
eude in   =’’‘ . 2  llls three jobs at Morehead so that ELIZABETH M- GOTTRON   1
lf Ken-       lle C0l1lC-1 concentrate on coaching El' b th l, M .
of llle Q    ....     basketball for the Breckellllldge of Hl;3 J P lg Gottronl (laughter l
dent of M . lr;     r;r r...... . _   Tlallllllg Toom on that oempns. ll ` °“"‘”‘* 1319 B“"’h‘ Q
  _e;;lr     Johnson plaved ver-snr football ml lmllh F“"“’°“*’ Om has *“" ~
ties iml l   , ,,.    and basketball at the i,Hiv€l_Sity I'1V€(l in the Philippines to serve  
rr cor   in 1931, 1932 and ieee, ne was tho armed forooe os an American o .
Mr llc `   m 1933 Wh all A· B· ‘l"g""‘* m Gollrou woo e rooeeroh assistant I  
l bv the   l’l1>’S1¢¤l Education. fel, Pelke De`. & C D t t ‘ s.
~   =*   *i·’i5’»‘¥%2é$¥=¥ts2: z  " > 'ls ' l°·» ' l - ¤
associo-  -     le 1935 J°lmS°“ l"’“am° Allb She is e oradnate or F tl hm ‘4
- ” :=2Q2iz§s§a§;§§§§%§5§:§&§25=i¤ ·" ‘  · ‘' .   ._1risis?ei$55§§§§§§i5§€§&§Si%és§s§:§a§ z? · · . ' " 1'€ll10l1 oss r ‘,
p0HSll1l€ 1 T§5§§§§§?§§§§§¥l" ‘‘‘‘    fg ,._`    ·_-. jk _   lellc Coach and Physical Educa— . ll *-
· ‘:£‘*-5 * ` ’2i5§2; =5¢£s:e:;";‘§§ = = = = = = = l i 5z§·‘;  · · · Hl"h School Fremont- lll. l U l 1 l
than 40 -     »e-e-»_,e  j t1011 director at Ashland Hnrh ”’ ’ >* wml lll‘ nn
,   ~     S<>l1<>0l, ASl1lou1fKe11111¤l<>‘rll- S- 1941- C  
l l 31"ld b3Sk€tb&.ll coach at l\l[orehea,d t.   
M lllclly lll 1937. He was assistant Slam T°aCll°l`S COll€S`€· U.K. Offering Advanced  
  state ellllel. ef the C0m.lel,_JOm,nal Johnson entered service in 1942. RgTC. First Time Since ,43  
we whe ’ when he enlisted in June, 1942. lle l°°k llls bllslc llallllllil lll lll€ U l , . ,  
_eeeMll.,,m  . lo ll lll€`ll1l1e1‘ of the Public Reln- Naval All C0l'PSr 35 ol Pliysieal l llllllllllll_llOT(’ ls bemg Oflel" 5
lldoetel { ll011S Branch of tho Sewlee in Education instructor, at Qlmpol ell br the llluversity of Kentneky  
ltlumm  e Washington he was Assignment llill, North Carolina, U military department this tlnortol-I  
EH; etgl  _ °“llt0l` of the Bureau ’s Press L“ — 1° <>1‘ the first time since J unc, 1943, ·
{emeele. · Bllllllch lle ll(`C·lllll€ Cllliif of the New R€llgl0U$ Group ill‘C()l'(ll]]g' to (‘o]_ Q_ T_ Alllekeuzler v_ee  
K I lg lll`<‘$S Branch April 26, 1945_ Formed At U·K· (}()Il1Ill&ll1Ll'll1l l A
[S ill l' _ r . _ _ ( `   l
depml  _ Wlllli @ll?il'I0ll rlccoinpeinying the The C2Illl'€1‘l)lll'}' Club, recently The class has been limited to 62, i
murgml  V Rvilfgll said; Lieutenant Cglgllgl for-ined on the llniversity of Ken- and at the time of this report more A
 . Qmtllalll B. Arthur performed ex- tucky campus for the benefit of than 50 men, most of them l " *;
In Ch mul   flglllogdlly meritorious s e r vic e lipiscopnlinii students, brings to Yeterziiis, had enrolled. The course   e- M
lll l ml - of ll bplember 1942 as a member four the number of such 01ԤI2llllZil- for the first vcar is branch w M
rlel Brglllellbserliieiitly as Chief Press tions nt L, lx. Others nre; the iiiaterinl. Specialized courses in N. .-
W L miller Bureau of Public Rela- Newman Club for Catholic stu- infaiilry and signal corps will bc , ix- M
  nieul    el ms} lllllr Department, Hc made dents; the Pitkin Club for Pres- studied in the second year, and re- id
r as Pl ll _ Qffoilt-°l`1Fi»l contribution to the war hytel-inns, and the Hillel group for serve commissions in these branches ir ll
br l11S sound, intelligent those of Jewish faith. will be gr:-inteil upon graduation, ,  
I g ‘