and Mrs. Robert Taliaferro of Lex- -_-
ington. Mrs. Taliaferro was for-
* j d   im   ¥ merly Miss Mary Gore Rodes and A I
l g was graduated from the University ’
i in 1941. Lt. Taliaferro was also a
  graduate in the class of 1941. ‘ -_
i Cara Sandra William s-A Susan Jean Blythe——A daugh- * * * A Th
daughter born January 5 to Mr. ter born November, 1945 to Mr. Stephml Baxter Ohl3y—"A SON ’ W· S
and Mrs. Carl E. Williams at the and Mrs. David K. Blythe of born Ji“*“***`l' 11 to LV U°mdr· and i aud]
; Good Samaritan Hospital, Lexing- Georgetown, Kentucky. Mr. Bly- Ml`S· R»<>brn Olney MIX Olmil  ‘ nn “
el ton, Kentucky. Mr. Williams was the was graduated from the Uni- was f°1`l“€1`lY Miss Virginia P‘l“‘l· i T“x*'*
i graduated from the University in versity in 1940. Beth She and LL Comdll Olmill i will
1939. se sr qs are graduates in the class of ’41, _ the U
* * * Margaret Geneva Langston——A _   _* . *
Barbara Jane Considine-A daughter horn October 24 to Mr. _Wdl12l?€ FEM Joh HStOu_i;   Tin
daughter born January 6 at La- and Mrs. George Alvin Langston fldughtel `lldb_`liOm’_ i)€liGmb€1l_ L   Asbui
i Folla, California to Mr. and Mrs. of Dayton, Ohio. Mrs. Langston   S?   ii’S*"tQ‘il11"_i‘“"‘¥i   Lee (
_ J0l1n F. Considine. Mrs. Consi- was formerly Miss Sarah Bonta wl? O],  _t€Omm0f0;I1SV91l";llll i WHS S
dine Was f0I‘H1€I‘ly Miss Virginia. Gentry and was graduated from   _° I   H   J?§1H"i0H' l Wash
Smith, of Lexington, and was grad- the University in 1937. Mr. Lang- umol JO luiton , was Slfliludled f WHS if
1 uated from the University in 1941. ston was graduated in 1941. from the llnlgersity ism DSU i in lil?
li li lg   J li James Bedford and Janice Bed- . _
J**ll€a*m€ B 61l*A da-l*ght€Y Charles SplHmaH_A S9? was ford Stamatoff—Twin (lt`t11g`l1T€I'   MIS
born to M1`- and Mrs- Cecil Bell nf born January 29’ at Wll1StOn` and son born January 31 at Nutley. l V diisie
Lexington December 8, 1945. Mrs. Sn1e¤n,N. C- to Mr- and Mrs. Harry N_ J, to Di, and Mrs Gem Smm,,t_   “ ***1*1
Bell is the former Miss Clara Eliza- F-. D20'-. M1`S· Day _W¤S formerly Off- DL Sismstoff Ysssissii his e in 9*
beth Innes and was erncln-ned Mm El*“b*"°h Ohm Jena and AB. degree rrerrrare Universitvin   "‘ ""
from the University in 1935. Mr. §1‘3dl*6l€d from tht? University *** 1928 and his M_A_ in 1930. l  ` °l"u"'l
Bell received his degree in 1932. 1935- P l      
* s s * r r au ers e ini .-
i Daniel Curtis Langdon-—A son Charmaine M“`1°l""”A daughl Toqdiiliinligggsiilai Kei t .11 -]·1“· l
born to Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Lang- ter was born December 29 to Mr. Cone IG his axllzllllcegllillii  j' ·f 'Mise
don nf Dnrnrnn N- C- Nevenrber rd Mm Markll Marlowe of LEX` ennirernler rein oirerer rei-nit- Oi Ml
i 14 1945 Mrs ’Lmwd(3H was for- iington. Mr. Marlowe was grad- P 1 ‘ vi‘ I s   W    i (lytle
i ’ . ` ° . uated from the University in 1937. lall Student llho mcmltll lldl l` r marrie
i H1€l‘ly MISS lV[&1'tlla Janet Cl1I‘t1S it is at leased frgrri military service, &l> · mu. K
i $1g;1Si;;Taing§i)(?1l§t€(1 from the Um- David William ’1‘eeter——A son §)Tt`tm§ lliifilltclorl lgvllligugjl 3 gmdue
° _ 1 1 1 born December 31 in Peoria, Illi- _€¤€‘ 8 lll _ Gael i lf   Jilin ii
F ‘ V nois to Mr. and Mrs. Howard mallgmlamd tins qumtel l0 ml sins (ig;
. Kenner Leann MnSSi<=—A svn reerer. Mrs. reerer was formerly we of 1`°l“*`***“g }"’*‘“`*¥‘*“·  
_ born February 2 to Lt, and Mrs, Miss Mary Eum Msndeuimu and Mr. Oberst received his 1l·; I The
, Joe L0g2Ln illassie of Fort Myers, is a graduate Of the University in g*`€@ f*`0}** th€.U***V€‘*`S*lY *l* fm" _l  hem I
Fla. Lt. Massie received his B. A. the class Of 1940· H6 1`€0€1V€€l his AB- €l*`¥¥*`€“ mil · sul '
degree from the University in 1941 ec »e sr Evansville College, Ind-· ****9 if  T (iimf Ii
and his MA- in 1943- ‘ John Robert Grace—A son born g"""h}“t‘? W°"k Ft tm Uuilmlil  3 Trmliei
` ll li * January 24 at Utica, N, Y. to Mr, of M*9l**§Ia** P*`*01‘ t0 €**l‘3*`*“¥ ll pai (ih]
James Carroll Willres-A son and Mrs. Robert H. Grace. Mrs. NallY·_d___1_-_-_/___# _|,1- was
born to Dr. and Mrs_ Adrian Grace was formerly Miss Dorothy Welcomg Baby _ ive,-sit,.
Willies of Lexington on January Louise W'halen and was graduated lf either parent is a i2Q1'il(lllill?Ol . `
15. Mrs. Wilkes was formerly Miss from the University in 1937. the University the lJHl)Y·* lmlh  V W
Mary Elizabeth Chick and was *   * will be nnnenncefl 9* lbf ‘lh`m' Iiiifll
gi`H»(lU3t9(l fI’0m illé University in Sally C 0 r 11 ell Taliaferro-A iiug_ Send date of birth z1ll