has entered into conversations throughout Frankfort and the state. He mentioned several instances in which that occurred. Even while he was Christmas shopping, people stopped him to make positive comments about the Top 20 Business Plan. He said that he had an interview with Bloomberg News, and meetings are set up with the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, and The Chronicle of Higher Education in February. He expressed appreciation for the faculty and staff support and said it had been tremendous. He will continue his work in selling the plan in Frankfort.
Objective 10. Complete a Strategic Plan for 2006-09 during this year. President Todd reported that he is working with Interim Provost Scott Smith and Vice President Connie Ray in putting together five subcommittees that will represent the engagement arena as well as the four domains that are being measured in the Top 20 Business Plan. Those groups will be asked to develop strategies that close the gaps in retention, that close the gaps in research, and that close the gaps in the other parameters that have been measured. That plan should be completed by the end of June, and a presentation will be made to the Board.
President Todd expressed pleasure in providing the Board with an interim report about his objectives and said he appreciated for the opportunity to do it. He asked for any questions about any part of his report, and there were no questions.
Mr. Hardymon reminded the Board of the evaluation process. The Board decided to have this mid-year report. Each Board member will be asked to give written or verbal comments to him on the objectives as the year comes to a finish. That will be sometime prior to the June meeting. President Todd will send a letter to the Board commenting on how he has done because the Board will use these 10 objectives for the evaluation for his bonus. Mr. Hardymon said that he will summarize the Board's comments and present them to the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee will report back to the Board. That is the Board's process, and it is going well. He commented that he feels good about the process.
Mr. Hardymon noted that the Board has to start thinking about next year and other objectives. Some of these objectives like number one may stay on the list. He thanked President Todd for the report.
G.        College of Medicine Report
President Todd asked Dean Jay Perman, College of Medicine, to give a report about the college. He mentioned that this is a continuing series of deans' appearances and expressed appreciation to Dean Perman for taking the time to come to the Board meeting.
Dean Jay Perman provided the Board of Trustees with an overview/update on the College of Medicine (COM). He pointed out that the college is dependent on an outstanding group of people numbering approximately 3,500  faculty, staff, resident physicians, and students  to advance its three missions of education,