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Facilities of the future. Dean Perman laid out a vision shared by the six health science college deans of a Health Sciences/Biomedical Education and Research Commons which will provide combined state-of-the-art education and research facilities. This complex is necessary because of the planned demolition of the College of Medicine and College of Dentistry as the Chandler Medical Center clinical facilities are replaced. Apart from replacement, however, these facilities are necessary to make the College of Medicine fully competitive for the best clinicians, investigators, and students going forward. They are also envisioned as a way to teach students of the future the importance of collaborating in taking care of patients by educating physicians, nurses, dentists, pharmacists, and therapists in a common learning environment. This is a bold vision which can be achieved incrementally and probably at savings to the Commonwealth through the concept of shared facilities.
Dean Perman thanked the Board for their attention and said that he very much appreciated all the support that he has received since coming to the university, especially from the leadership and the Board. Dr. Perman received a round of applause.
President Todd thanked Dean Perman for doing a great job.
Mr. Hardymon asked if anyone had any questions or comments for Dean Perman. He commented that Dean Perman loves his work with a passion. He then asked President Todd to continue with his report.
H.        Appointment of Provost (PR 3)
President Todd said that PR 3 is a recommendation for the appointment of a provost. He recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the appointment of Dr. Kumble R. Subbaswamy as provost, effective July 1, 2006. He noted that Dr. Subbaswamy's background is mentioned briefly in the background section.
Many people already know Dr. Subbaswamy because he was at UK for 18 years as a physics professor and also in an administrative role in the College of Arts and Sciences. He went to the University of Miami in 1997. He has been at Indiana University for the last several years. He was one of the three announced finalists for a position at the University of Wisconsin at Madison. Dean Jeannine Blackwell, Dr. Fred Debeer, and their committee did a superb job of bringing him to UK. President Todd said that he would be glad to take any questions about Dr. Subbaswamy and his appointment.
On motion made by Mr. Williams and seconded by Dr. Moore, PR 3 was approved without dissent. (See PR 3 at the end of the Minutes.)
President Todd said that this is an extremely significant appointment, and he is very excited about it.