ir HZlS`bOI'lC£l]. SlCCtCh (Fj_yS·[; gn·f;I•y’ P.   .
man produced a commission signed by Governor John Adair, appointing him
justice of the peace. Joseph Stith administered the necessary several
* oaths to John H. Trent, who in turn administered the same oaths to the
J other appointees. After these justices had taken their seats, Benjamin
Shacklett produced a commission as sheriff from the Governor and gave
bond in the sum of ss,0oo. Robert Bleakley was appointed deputy sheriff
and William Fairleigh was named clerk pro tempore, furnishing bond for
` $10,000. The county was divided into three districts. The first district
' was "oast of a line from horeman's Ferry to a pond half-way from the mouth
of Brushy Fork of Otter Creek and the Big Spring." William B. Stith was
elected constable of this district. The second district extended"from ‘
the line of the first district to a line beginning at Joseph B. Woolfolk's,
thence in a straight line to Colonel Carr's." Samuel Brownlee was elected
constable of the second district, ,Oliver Burch was elected constable of
the third district. John R. Helm, just 21 years of age, was appointed
county attorney. Jesse Shacklett produced his commission as coroner, and
Nathan Riatt and Robert Stout were recommended to the Governor by the
i court as capable surveyors, ‘Danicl S. Bell, W. Allen, Thomas Q. Wilson,
». and John L, Helm were admitted to practice by this court. (B)
On June 28, 1824, the county court issued the following order: "Ordered
Q_ that william Ditto and william Garnett, Esquires, be and they are hereby
appointed Judges to superintend the Meade General Election to be held at
this place in August next, and that Robert W. washington be appointed clerk ~
of said election." (9) Elections at this time were hold for a period of
F three days. Every man in the county was required to vote at John Rush's
l house which served as the courthouse, Elections and regimental musters
" were the scenes of much "fist and skull" fighting to determine the "best
—g man in the county," a title gained with a man's fists. It was a time when .
public questions were often determined by personal combat, At the first
“ election held at John Rush’s, Dan Shacklett fought for 57 minutes with
f` Isaac Vertrces over an acre of ground. This was probably the hardest
· such fight ever waged in Meade County. (l0) ‘
_ .Establishment of County Seat
;» After the officers for the new county had been named, the next im-
Q portant business before the court was to decide upon a location for a
j county seat, and Claysville was chosen. The court thereupon ordered Nathan
v_ Raitt to lay off the town of Claysville as the seat of justice "on the
*. upper side between the ridges across Doe Run near bidow Leache’s including
T what is new called the sugar tree grevc," William Ditto, James B. Woolfolk,
William Garnett, Robert W. Washington, Thomas Stevenson, and Henry Turnstall
§g, 0. Ososas Couwrv Ccunr, vet. A, P. 1 rr., nw MEADE eoumrv Ancwnvss, ENTRY 220;
N, Rloawoua, gg. gil., PP. 59,60. A O
T 9. Onosss Coomrv Count, vo;. A, P, 39, sas smrsv 220.
E I0. Rxoswous, gg. gil., PP. 60,51.