... Vi ..
Robert P. Arnold compiled the legal research work for the office essays, `
under the supervision of Elizabeth Johnston, Assistant Project Technician,
· Messrs. Gurganus and Nurray edited the entries under the supervision of
Hr. Simmons, who arranged the entries in final form.
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July Jyklo and rrunk A. Kenny, ucoort P, lcndams, coerce N, Duck,
Arthur C; Best, and Richard D. Spriggs, under the supervision of hrs,
Johnston, were responsible for the cssiys uni the final editorial work
necessary for the publication of this invcntory. M
The Kentucky Iistorical Records Survey wishes to express its deep
appreciation to Label S. Brodie, nssistant Archivist in charge of public
records inventories, of the Husnington, D. C. office, for her helpful
J editorial criticism of this inventory in manuscript form, and to Dan
Lucy, Assistant Director, Historical Records Survey Projects, for his
valuable suggestions. Grateful acknowledgement is node to the Pilsen Z
vs · . ,_ T ` . .-. 1 _,_,_ . . _ ` ,_ _`_;__._ M _' ‘*
Club and toe Louisville Free Puolic Lioialg, Louisville, Doi tncii generous
coepcrationb _
This volume could not have been written without the cooperation und
interest of the officials of Qexdc County. Especially do we appreciate
the assistsanee given our workers by County Judge M. E. Brown; the Circuit
“ Court Clerk, jk. Roy Niefus; and the Deputy Court Clerk, Nellie Lusk
The Inventory of the County Archives of Kentucky ‘ill, v·.~e when completed,
consist of l2O volumes, each numbered te irdicotc its Alphabetical position
umong thc eountics of the State. y
Forthcoming volumes of the Inventory of the County grchives of Ken-
tucky will be issued in mincograploi form for free distribution to govern-
ment offices, libruries, and historical societies in Kentucky, as well as
to selected libraries and depositorics in other st tos. For a list of
publicutions of the Historical RccorJs Suriuy in Icrtueky, soc p. 376.
Requests for information concerning particulnr vtlungs should be addressed
to the State Supervisor, 55C South Fifth Strnet, Louisville, Kentuchv. ~
— · C.
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[A St to Supervisor
Kentucky Iistrricul itccrds Survey Project ·
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[ L Louisville, I;;1tu·t:Y:y .
Q January EC, lull
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