Minutes of the meeting of the Board of Trustees of the
University of Kentucky Tuesday, Maiy 30, 1916

     Board of Trustees, of the University of Kentucky met
in regularr session on Tuesday, May 30, 1916, at two o'clock,
in the Trustees' room in the Gymnasium Building. Governor
Stanley occupied the chair.

     On roll call, the following were present:-

     Governor Stanley, President Barker, Dr. James K. Patter-
son, Honorable R. C. Stoll, Mr. Frank McKee, Mr. Denny P.
Smith, Dr. Samuel B. Marks, Mr. J. I. Lyle, Mr. Claude B.
Terrell, Mr. Tibbis Carpenter, Mr. T. L. Hornsby, Mr. Elliston,
Mr. R. J. Bassett, Mr. H. 14. Froman, Mr. J. L. Letterle,
Hon. Matt S. Cohien, Mr. G. G. Brock, Mr. P. P. Johnston,
Hon. V. 0. Gilbert, Mr. James W. Turner, Mr. William R. Cox,
Dr. A. J. Ammon, Dr. J. H. Kastle.

     Minutes of tne meeting of the Board held in December,
in regular session, also the minutes of the adjourned meet-
ing held at the Governor's office in Frankfort, were read
and approved.

     The secretary read the minutes of the Executive Commit-
tee and on motion made and duly seconded, they were adopted.

     On call for report of the Board of Control, it was
found that the report was not ready and the reading of same
was postponed until the next meeting of the Board of Trustees.

     A motion was made, seconded and carried that the follow-
ing degrees as set forth in the minutes of the faculty be
grant ed: -

                  BACHELORS' DEGREES

             Bachelor of Arts in EnRg i sh

               Charles Leroy Bowers
               James Frankl in Corn
               Herbert Frank Felix
               Jean Olive Field
               Richard Allan Foster
               Herbert Dade Graham
               John Robert Marsh
               Marie Louise Michot
               Rebecca Washington Smith
               Grover Cleveland Wilson
               Natalee Woodruff

               Bachelor of Arts in Latin

                 Eli2abeth Robinson Cary
                 Mary Louise Dougherty
                 Anna Egli Lewis