—.-:-.1 it
research. Fourth, to aid the citizens of our State many are veterans, and many are enrolled in
in applying the results of research through exten- professional schools and graduate programs. With
5 sion activities and in so doing bring the vast this composition of students, we do not think yr
if intellectual resources of the University to bear it reasonable to ask University authorities to play ··
1 on the social, economic and political problems of the role of parents. g
.' our State. Measured by any standard, these are Eveh though the Uhtverettv does hot ple}, o ,
nabia and Vitai g0at$, and the progress the Uni- parental role, our students, along with our faculty, i
Vaf$itY haS mafia in attaining tttani has hceh must sustain rigorous self-discipline. The task
imi¤T€S$iV€· of obtaining a college education is indeed a dif-
As administrators of the University, we are ficult one, and our students have clearly defined
dedicated to maintaining on this campus an en- duties and responsibilities. Despite inferences to It
vironment in which these purposes can be served. the contrary, they do not have freedom from *
~ Above all, we believe this necessitates a spirit moral imperatives. They. are subject to in-
} of free intellectual inquiry and an open exchange stitutional disciplinary procedures when offenses .
i ,. of ideas. If Kentucky citizens expect the Uni- against the University or its community of  
Q versity to contribute to progress, our teachers scholars are committed. The Student Code of  
V and students must be permitted and encouraged the University establishes procedures for de-  
Q to investigate any theory, challenge any premise, termining whether a student has committed an Q
engage in political and social debate, and express offense against the University, and punishment *
Q their dissent-without jeopardy to their aca- for offenses ranges from reprimand to expulsion i
" demic careers—provided their behavior is not in or, in the case of organizations, revocation of
I violation of the law and does not interfere with registration. Beyond this, persons who fear free-
i the normal operation of the educational pro- dom and the democratic processes should not .
q grams of the University. expect the University officials to do what parents .— [ . I
' Moreover, if society is to assure itself of a new oiiii civii iiutiioiitico ciiiiuot do- ‘‘°, _.‘i;,,°,g,__;.
generation trained to understand the world in Wliile we believe that zi university is a place  
\ which it will live, it must not impose restrictions where the search for truth is to be carried on  
A on exploration of ideas. Ideas, popular and through free inquiry, we do not believe the  
odious, are a part of the world in which our stu- University should be a sanctuary for those who  
‘ dents live, and cannot be understood without seek freedom from moral and social obligations.  
' discussion and critical evaluation. Historically, Neither do we condone tactics such as disruptive  
a universities have been a primary instrument for demonstrations, destruction of property, and  
, providing society with independent criticism and violence. We believe, however, only misconduct,  
E advice. It is out of this need that society has not opinions, should make faculty and students  
· provided freedom for scholars and for the uni- liable to persecution or prosecution. Vi/`hen dis-   _  
versity as an institution, even when the criticism, sent, peaceful protest, free inquiry, and discus-  
the advice, and the results of research were un- sions are destroyed, there is no remedy left for  .  
, palatable to many. The special rights and errors but that of violence.  
it Ptiviicgcs tiic iiubiic tmc hcsfcwcd ou tiic oco‘ \Ve further believe that the University, to V  
~° iicnnc in$titiitiOn$ Wctc not contcttcii to" tiic the extent possible, should be responsive to the  i_  
I hchcfit cf tiic institutions but tot tiic hchchf ct will of its alumni and other publics who support V
thc sccictv which thcr scrvc Rcsrctfunv. ihisfcrr are iaeinauea. We like to trunk, though, that  
abounds with instances of hostility to universities, this wth is best reheoted th oh atmosphere vvhteh y 
twine and Siichcihe ct faculty cha Sfuachfc enables ear eiaaeais aaa faculty to engage in a  
whc cxcrciccd thch right, cha duty. fc cxhrccs eeareri for the train wherever it may zeaa. ii is  
rchsiccs. intciicciiuiir cha r><>ii¢ic¤i idccc thct aareazrsue to iiuaie aaa are wishes of are in- ,
were unpopular or seemed dangerous to some Stttuttohis mort), pllblics ooh be Observed th all  `
tiiontii Such tnucttccs ai“`a>’$ thrcctch tiic WW University matters. Because of the conflicting   .
c$·“"ici’ cf ti uiiiticiiity- attitudes and interests of various groups, it is  
Another popular misconception is found in impossible for the University to respond in  
the expressions of many that the University harmony with the will of all publics. In selection   i
should play the parental role for its students. of faculty, professional qualifications must be  
Perhaps it is not widely understood that most given primary consideration. In establishing CUT- it ii`‘  
students at the University are beyond the age at riculums, research, and extension programs, aca-  
; which Kentucky legislation declares a person an demic considerations are at least as relevant as   .·,i   
2 adult. Ranging in age from sixteen to seventy- the interests of special groups. Is it possible, then,  
eight, with most in their early twenties, many to respond to the wishes of all publics when,  
of our students are married and have families, as an illustration, a major public of the Univer-  
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