. CHE 112 Gen. Coll. Chemistry II (3)   *, ;_·»— ix?   C
CHE 113 Gen. Coll. Chemistry Lab II (2) ? ·V  r~  I /»§,·;` n ‘ `'`` V Z
·i   »‘    
5 D. GLY 140 General Physical Geology (4)   .   j
] GLY 142 General Historical Geology (4) I _ .. ____\     . D
V E. PHY 151 Introduction to Physics (3)   ,V·r          
PHY 152 Introduction to Physics (3)       .
F. PHY 211 och. Eicm. Physics (5) z.      `
PHY 213 och. Eicm. Physics (5) ~.   f     ·isy»»,  4
  .    *   ssyl      
G. PHY 231 Gen. Univ. Physics. (3) yjr;            CC
PHY 232 Gen. Univ. Physics (3)   °   `  " `i·1 ` I   A
PHY 241 Gen. Univ. Physics (Lab) (2)  fz ;)     Y  
V PHY 242 Gen. Univ. Physics (Lab) (Z)   "   “ ’ k   B)
.   =   < . ..j 3   . 2
i A Area III. BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES   all-  " Y ivy. Q _i;,jiA_—r_   
I c  L is ·` . 7   . ~* Vw    ’
` The general studies requirement in this area may be satis-           Ai     C
. lied by choosing one of the following two sequences: >       Qu'; _ ¤ {        
P Eg V: * V  wh W}     1 ` ' ·- ' ' ," ` V · 3   _.  
A. BIO 100 Biology (3)   il       ·‘’_   yen _` ~¥' 1 I .   D
18 BIO ml Bl°l°gy (3)   V     . ~ ’  
·· B. Bio 200 ochcmi Biologyl (3) ef .     ’`‘.” ‘   ec   I ‘ ·  
[ BIO 201 General Biology I (Lab) (2) ; Q             ·_     -``.`   V -  
i BIO 202 General Biology Il (3) W             I (Y AV‘`_     , _‘   `    
BIO 203 General Biology II (Lab) (2) .     v s ;§;`g·_¤Q   ” ,2§;?;,§ Q ’! .  "f   . _ <,.?  
11   “    ’`'y I I  Y.  ....   ~  
A I O { `I N AVGUAGE A   I  V.  #{333         th
\ A student may satisfy the general studies requirement in 1 ’ J     A A     I      
A foreign language by passing the fourth semester course in one A   V   '  _ _ _
language or by demonstrating equivalent competence by I   ( '‘`:   it   _ ' I
1 examination. _    " I __          = ‘ 4
__ i » V ~·~*· ·    .;.  .-..   ..». ....c»/·,s~~s_a·-;;»s ·c  *··r~?;~r we V   `>
· The general studies requirement in the humanities may be
satisfied by choosing one of the following options:
i·\. ENG 261 Survey of \Vestern \Vor1d Literature: W  _ __   , ~; _   l.   ..__   Il
g from the Greeks through the Renaissance (3) 1       V V    2   
{ or K   > _ V ’ · 4       m assa ··  ’;\T~L,.{yQ
•·A ENG 262 Survey of \Vcstern \\’orld Literature: g    ;;§,_ ` V __  lv `  
l from 1660 to the Present (3) 1.  ./ 3;       ..ci.  1  ‘ 
plus one of the following: V ;W; ,f§Z§¢   3=‘¤i).i_ _   ·_ —  "`     2, V
.~\-11 200 i·\rt—l1istory Survey: Primitive to   "'V r   "    il  V   I .
Medieval Art (3)   " "· v_ . A #·”"—. s  ` “'   ‘;  
.-\·1l 201 ;\rt—lrlistory Survey: Renaissance to _""' *   `*=V=j‘ V-·` M  1      
l\1ocleru r\rt (3)   ~·—-·     gl?   · _» 9
MUS 200 Introduction to Music (3) r   . -4* ’      I
MUS 201 Music in \Vestern Civilization (3)     - ·’     _  I
(There is au Option Il currently under review. Cheek with .   3  Q
the olllec of the Dean of the College of .~\rts and Sciences for   ` _,` I   . ,.v. .... . .
the ollcriugs under this option.) I   { 4:   ¥ i _     L   _.  
.‘\fCL1\Il. iusroiay   ..    —· —  Pe   I  
.\ student may satisfy thc general studies requirement in     V  
  history by any one of the following options: . ¤ V.   ‘ ~~·—  
1118 10S .~\ llistory of Europe, 1713 to Present (3)    Tex;) ~· '%.,,aa ·  ·` '    
B. 111S 108 llistory of the U .S. Tlirough 1865 (3) ’ AI   35 *    _ `  
1118 109 History of the U.S. Since 1863 (3) · ._ _ Q  
»QYZ§"{ *3  
. E   :».i3<;-·