3 C. HIS 229 The Ancient Near East and Greece to A. PSY 104 Basic Psychology I (3)
the Death of Alexander the Great (3) PSY 106 Basic Psychology II (3)
W " ' ' , 7
i;S]§€’a1;h1`;‘Fggijgistifcll °‘1°1 1****1 11°m€ *° (3) B. Psv 210 Genera1·Psychology. _ (a)
V. PS 201 Introduction to Political Behavior (3)
D. HIS 295 The Far East to 1850 (3)
Y HIS 296 The Far East Since 1850 (3)
rg . _ A student who wishes to substitute an upper division
  ‘ Area VII- SOCIAL SCIENCES course in the same department for a course listed in
  A student may satisfy the general studies requirement by the G€11€1`31 Studles C0mP0n€11t Progmm m?IY do iso
  completing one option; with the approval of the dean of the college in which
  A. ECO 260 Principics of Economics (3) he plans to mayor andlthe chairman of the department
. ECG 26i piiiicipics of Economics (3) IH which the substitution IS to be made.
3 B. SOC 101 Introductory Sociology (3) Each entering student will be assigned a faculty
  plus one of the following; member as an adviser. The student’s adviser will help
.! _ . . .
  SOC 152 Modern Social Problems (3) him decide upon a program of study and will explore
  SOC ZZO 'I`h€ C0mm¤¤1IY (3) with him an over-all plan for his work at the University,
  C· ANT 120 Hum? A¤€€$tYYC I I A h I (gl the choice of a vocation, and graduation requirements.
  ANT 121 $1:0 f11;11011 10 011113 ` 111 10110 031 1 1 The adviser will be able to provide the student with
  D· gg?gV;g00P1. 0.0 0W111g· . accurate information concerning the University. After
V   rmciples of Economics (3) h I . h . . _
  GEO 152 Regional Ccogmpiiy Oi the World (3) epmg t e student to decide his college work load,
i PS 151 American Government (3) he will approve the schedule. Students who are un-
ii decided on a Held of study will be advised to con-
  Area VIII. BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES centrate on courses contained in the areas listed previ-
  A student may satisfy the general studies requirement in 011S1Y· Students W111 @3111 3 b3c11g101111(1 110113 this P10'
  the Behavioral Sciences by completing one of the following gmm that Should help tI'i€m to CI"100S€ 1¤I€II1g€¤tIY Yh€
it sequences: fields in which they will concentrate.
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