Fuylcfigylg Of Apygrjggri C0ygyy;mg;lt_   duction tolthe guiding concepts and principal techniques of Soviet
An introductory study of the policy-making processes in American Jggggt pghisgt thi mic of Communist idcolcgyn Prereq: PS 556 or
Government through analysis of domestic and foreign programs and C O I mc Or`
th-'r' . t th A '· l' . P·· :PS 151. ·-·· · ·· · -.
U lmmc umm 8 mmmn pmcy mm >>O Comparative Political Parties. (>)
V   Int;-Oducfjoyl to Political Ana[)»SiS_   A comparative crossinationakstudy of the organization and function
Q Introduction to the basic knowledge Of research methodology in otDl§o(l2;c:l)n];z1;;es within their historical, socio-economic, cultural and
! Political Science: a review of methods of data collection; historical, D G '
quantitative and comparative techniques of analysis.   Cjolnpdrative Foreign Policies,  
E   Introduction to Political Bchdvimx   Tgnis course. willtemphzisiae ctilmparative barglalysis andhtheddevelopmcnt
l The study of behavior in a political context; its significance and 0 pmposl Ions 0 exp am ..w y States 9 ave as t ey O' Lecture'
antecedents; analysis of behavioral concepts used in Political Science, three hours. Prereq PS 26;) or Consent Of mstmctmn
such as political roles, groups, power, systems, and decision-making; ·’) , · · , iw
relation of political behavior to democratic theory. 57"'_ Alunlclpal C;Ol'CTnnlent' (D)
An introductory course in the study of the structure and functions
  Coynparatiye Politics- and Political {at modern citytgovernmcnts with some attention to other forms of
i oca governmen .
l Development. (3)
i An introduction to the theories and concepts employed in comparative D >; UTIJCIII GO\’€T1l171€71f dlld Politics.  
D0lg1¤¤1 itudiis Th€ ¤011¥5€ 15 d€$¤g¤€<'l· to PYBPKU? undmtgfiduate An analysis of the formulation of public policy in small towns,
Stu ems OY ( 9 m0i’€ advanced ¢0¤YS€ U1 comparative P0l1U€$ 9·¤d m1ddle-sized cities, and metropolitan areas. A theoretical model
government. Prereq: PS 151· appropriate to all three settings will be formulated. The principal
_ methods of studying community decision-making will be evaluated.
265 VVorZcl Politics. (3) '
A study of the most significant problems of world politics, including   SllT\’C}’ of Sub-Sdildftlll Politics.  
the fundamental factors governing international relations, the tech- A survey Og Subgnhamn government and politics intended to give the
niques and instruments of power politics, and the conflicting interests student broad knowledge about the Setting of African p0]itics_ p,e_
in UFHMIZWS world P€¤°€· colonial African political systems, the political legacies of major
European colonial powers and problems of political development.
280 State Government. (-5) '
A study of the forms and functions of government in operation in   CO711{Jc1fc1fi\’C COVGTI1171CI1f—P(1Tli£1711C71fc1T)’
the states of the United States. - -»
Democracies I. ( >)
  Id€OlOg}’, Political DOCtTt71CS (Utd COI1f€771f)0TdT)’ A study of the governments of Britain and selected Commonwealth
. · tries.
Soczety. (3) hmm
A study. of contemporary. political ideas, social and political change,   CO\'€TIl77lC7lt (Utd Politics oft/1c SO\'iCi [.i7ltOIl.  
rm? tlwlr Ir;`°'{’m‘f“l ‘r€l"tl°?Sll;p] p'}"“‘"ily_     ‘“lY*l"l°€(lIT]v°lllStrl}§ Analysis of political development in the Soviet Union with emphasis
i°“°tlI°S·_ (io     "_t"°   lqtl V°_m°‘&_ flttlmn ‘m€ ‘m‘l   “l1 on party-government relations, Communist ideology, and major ap-
>e examine;. Suustantive discussion ot po rtica doctrines yu dea prmmhcs to the study of Suvict pomicg
with traditional and contempoi·ai·y forms of liberalism, conservatism,
S¤¢i¤“Sm» ¤¤=·¤¤*2iS·*· med f¤S<=iS·~·· as rm as C lrrr em *·¢v¤*¤¤<2¤#~ 557 Government and Politics in Subsalmran Africa. (2)
movements and ideologies. Prereq: An introductory course m Political _ _ _ _ _ _ ·
Scicncch The course will focus on the relationship between ideologies, institu-
tions, and individuals in African political systems. Implications of
  Smnindr in 1)OlitiCalSCienCc·   25;;)f::cE;Jlr1€tc;(mi;§:§3n 1prcg\i;ici1lPlgt—lga;ior (domestic and interna-
. . . . . , . . . ' · ` · ? O ·
A topical seminar primarily for senior Political Science majors. q
Prereq: A standing of 3.0 in department or consent of instructor. May   CO'1StitlltiO71al Politics I (  
be repeated once to a maximum of six credits. A f th _ t t t_ f éh C t_t t_ _ b d_   _'
survey o e nn erpre a ion 0 e ons 1 u ion is em 0 ie m
  hide/Jndent \{/OHL   leading Supreme Courtldecisions. Concentrates upon (1)'the.sub—
H ‘ ` { _ _ _ stantive nature of constitutional doctrine, and (2) its relationship to
onors course or seniors who are majors in the department. Consent political, economic and Social t,,€nds_
of the department required for admission. May be repeated three
Eiingipiirmaciftzrl of 12 credits. Prereq: Major and standing of 3.0   Constitutional Politics    
l A study of the philosophy and development of civil liberties in the
f   Latin A7ncTiCm.L R€latiOnS·   gldigqnlvizgoz icilrécgnltrirggrg Ccgn tthe interpretation of constitutional
~ » . . ur.
The relations between the United States and the Latin American y P
l iosntries, with emphasis on the Monroe Doctrine and Pan-American-   The Anmricdn Iudicidl Process.  
, U A study from the standpoint of the social sciences, of the judicial
l   Coxycrrinlcllts and POlitiCS Of South Asia.   process at the state land national.levels,·dealing with the organization
, _ _ _ _ of courts, the making of judicial decisions, and the exercising of
· A study of the political processes of India, Pakistan, and Ceylon. -   ._
judicial poutr.
*7 , · ' ' ' " - a · · ’
>..l Covemment and Politics of Southeast Asia.   >6) Compamflw Gowmmcnt___Pdrl,m,w,,m,.), .
Study of the political processes, problems and behavior of the several D ·   (-s
states of Southeast Asia with emphasis on their chief determinants. Cnlocnlclcs · ))
The different patterns of political development will be examined. A study of the political systems of selected continental European i
countries with special attention to France and Germany.
S30 The Con·iO RUTCIZ Local CO\`CT7l77lC7lt.   diftering political elites in each country, and contemporary problems 5
A study of the organization and functioning of units of local govern- of UW Ch1¤€$€ C0mm¤¤1$t and l¢¤P¤¤¤v5 P¤l1f1¤S·
ment, with primary emphasis on government in Kentucky counties. __ _ _ _ 4 __ }
vol) Latin Amcrzcan Government and Politics. (>l
  The F0r€1grlI’<>Z1¢>‘ of the Svvwf UHIOIL   A study oi contemporary Latin American political institutions and {
A factual survey of the Soviet record in foreign attairs and an intro- of the dynamics of the Latin American political process. _