A non-resident applicant must officially apply and Advanced Placement Examination will be exempt from i
all required documents and tests must be received before the appropriate course(s) and General Studies require-
the admissions otlice can determine whether or not ment as noted below:
he can be considered for aCCCpt3IlC€. For fl'llS 1'€8SOI1 American Hi,5·t0ry—Ex€mpt from HIS 108 and 109_
li l$ extremely ll11P0Tla¤l that ¤0¤·F€$l€l€¤t Studeots Area VI of the General Studies requirements waived.
apply as early as possible in their senior year or·in .
the preceding summer, and that they take the American W££f;éOgy_EX€1npt from BIO 100 and IOL Area IH
College Test on the earliest possible date. Since April '
1 is the last date for non-resident applicants to submit Cheml$t"Y**
  all required documents, including the official IACT Eng[jSh..Stud€HtS who Cam 3 Score Of 3 On the
report from Iowa City, the February test date is the English AP examination will receive zi grade of A in
i latest possible date for non-resident applicants to take ENG 101 and may complete the Freshman Composi-
Q the ACT in order to be considered for admission to tion requirement by taking ENG 102 or ENG 105.
I tlw f0ll0WiHg Sulllméf Of fall 565510115- Students who earn a score of 4 or 5 will receive a grade
i '1"aking the American College Test. The American Of .A m ENG 10S' when Freshman Composmon {cl
I College Test is required of all beginning freshmen and quu-cmcnt ls thus S3t1SH€d'
l of transfer students who have earned less than 12 European History—Exempt from HIS 104 and 105.
{ semester hours of credit at another school. Due to the Area V1 waived.
it nature of the information supplied through the ACT Foreign LnngiingeS_(eXeiiiding Latin) Aiea IV
l and its reporting format, other tests cannot be accepted waived
tl as a substitute. Your high school should be able to _
n provide ACT registration forms, and information about Ldfmw i
deadlines for registration, testing dates, and the loca- Mafhemoti¢s—Stude¤ts Wll0 S€0T€ 4 OF 5 Ol`! the
_ tion of test centers. lf your high school cannot provide Calculus AB examination Of 3 011 Tl1€ Calculus BC
this iiiieiiniiiien, write aiieetly to tlie ACT Registia- errariiiriatiorr wi111>eair*e¤fourhours’ <>reditfor1\/IA 113.
tion Department, PO. Box 414, Iowa City, Iowa 52240. Tl1€ Mall1€T11all€$ D€PaTt¤1€11l will glam €lgl1t l1OUY$
lt is very important for applicants to be aware of Credit in MA Hddnd lli for SCOYFS ef 4 Ol 5 On the
the deadline to register with the ACT oflice in Iowa in Cdlcdlus BC 5XmP1_“dUOn· In heth mstdncdsr the Aree I
order to take the test on one of the national test dates. mflulfcmcnf ls Saflsded
ti Registration always falls about 30 days before a test Physics—Physics B—Exempt from PHY 211 and
{ date. Furthermore, the applicant needs to take into 213. Area I1 waived. Physics C——Exempt from PHY
i1 account in his plans the fact that ACT reports are not 231, 232, 241 and 242. Area Il waived.
i mailed to l'llCiUI1l\'(II`Sl1§' until approximately four weeks Students who icceiiic Credit for ii Piiiticuiiii Couisc i
HHN thc lcsl IS taken on the basis of Advanced Placement results may use
’\l°l’ll°‘“ltS who have taken the ACT hut did not this credit iust as if they had taken the course at the
. het the Uhhereitr ef Kehhrehr ee eee ef the three uiiiveeayer1eei>1e Should Complete the hlgh Seheel Cup
performance on an Advanced Placement lixamination ..;. _ _ _
) should have his examination referred to the Admissions ni:uegiiziioilfpaiggne;;Ci?i:°;`;;€;§° ijgfdglifiiixegul;iT;il;€ni;:T1;;:i?2i
, ()lld<.`L‘ tif tllL‘ 1llll\‘Cl`5it}' (lf KC1]tuQl(\'_ credit. Each examination is evaluated on its own merit. However,
i each year a number of students do receive credit and/or placement
it .·\ student who earns a score of at least 3 on an in these aiseipiines.