analytical techniques to arrive at a more detailed solution, and finally calculations, the four factor formula. Neuman diffusion and slowing q
, prepare a report presenting by freehand sketches and written descrip- down theory. Age theory, criticality calculations for the homogeneous {
tions his solution to the problem. One class hour per week; laboratory, reactor, elementary reactor kinetics. Reflected reactors multigroup 1
5;; hguyg pgp wegk_ Prereq; ME 344_ geihggg. Control rod theory, heterogeneous reactors. Prereq: PHY 554, l
>47 Dynamic Analysis of Design Problems. (>) . {
A course emphasizing the role of analysis in design. Actual design   Fuel A/Ianageynent and Economics Of Nllclear _ ,
objectives are met through the use of mathematical modeling tech- R€t1CfOTS. (J)  
““51“°s ams the apph°at‘°E °f {he prmclples ef d>‘¤=·r¤·¤e- kmemimcs Nuclear fuels, fuel element claddings, bumup, fission products and i
ee V‘b“m°“$· Premqi M 3 3* waste handling, processing and recycling of fissile materials, isotope  
. . . separation, and applications. Fuel cycle performance of typical re- ,
  Safety Englneenng·   actors. Uranium resources and cost, nuclear plant costs and the l
A study of industrial accidents prevention, accident statistics, indus- interrelation between convectioual and nuclear power costs. Prereq: `
trial and general hazards, fire protection, codes and standards of ME 475 or ME 514. l
safety. The course is designed for those who may enter the fields _  
nf design or production engineering. Lecture and recitation, three 517 Irigfrumerriqfrgn for Research   (
h°“rs ver week Pmmqi ME 151* An exploration of modern instrumentation techniques and problems;
  Plant Layout   transducer principles; analysis of dynamic response of instrumentation `
· systems; theory o measurements; random processes; pressure- §
Selection of processes and machines, material handling Systems, and temperature, strain gages and inertial measurement techniques; mag; {
plant requirements. Lecture, two hours; drawing room, three hours. netic, optical, electrostatic and other recording systems; automatic
Prereq; ME 356. data reduction; measurement of errors. Prereq: Consent of instructor.
356 Motion and Time Study.   530 Gas Dynamics. (3) I
Principles and uses of motion economy and fundamentals of time Consider-ation gf the mass, engr-gy and force balances applied to
Study Two heurs recitation and two hours |¤b¤r¤t¤ry· Prereq= ME 151- compressihle auids. Isentropic How, diabatic How, How with friction,
wave phenomena, and generalized one-dimensional gas dynamics.  
.` , . r · ' ' , 0
  Lconmnlc Analysls Of A/Iechanlcal SyStemS_   Lecture and recitation, three hours. Prereq. ME 3-1. {
Formulation of economic relationships. Familiarization with alternate S;)   Transients and Power Control   7
mechanical systems and application of economic principles of selection " _ _ _ _ ° _
l of alternates. Prereq: ME 321 or permission of instructor. A eerrree m the mmlysss et H“sd_ha“s’€“t5_and_ the t1?°°ry_ and design
of fluid power controls and their application in engineering systems.
  Mandgelnellt Engineering.   Lecture, three hours. Prereq: ME 330.
' Analysis of systems for material control, quality control, and produc-   Propulsion System Design  
tion control. Includes application of linear programming, Monte Carlo, _ _ _ _` _ _
queueing, and other research tec}miqueS_ Prereq. STA 423 0,. 481_ Design of systems for aircraft or missile propulsion. Centrifugal com-
1 pressors, axial-flow compressors, turbine and exhaust systems, and
360 Internal Combustion Engines. (4) °°‘“b“st‘°“ °h"“`bm‘ P“"°q‘ ME S30'
A study of internal combustion 'engine cycles and the characteristics   Air Pollution Engineering and ECOnOmiCS_  
and performance of actual engines, valves, gears, and materials of Th M h . 1 E . . t f A. P u t. lt. f
construction. Lecture and recitation, three hours; laboratory, two hours. ° EQ amca eereeerme aspec S 0 lr 0 u um msu mg mm ~
Prereq: ME 321. Combustion processes. Two class hours per weele; laboratory, three
hours per week. Prereq: MA 214, ME 321 or equivalent, ME 330 or
364 Direct Energy Conversion. (3) °q“"’“l€“t‘
Energy sources; basic science of direct conversion of heat to electricity;   Bictechnolo
thermo-electric, themiionic, and photovoltaic systems; magnetohydro- S gyi h , d. .  
dynamic and fuel cell systems. Prereq: ME 325 concur registration. The bemee body ee ° mac amcal System r€SP°n _mg te Sustmsw ee
transient forces and pressures, such as occur rn flight, space flight and
, V. industrial environments. The physical and behavioral reaction of
)66 Iirerrrrei Fewer Systmnsh   organisms to dynamic, thermal, radiative and gravitational stresses.
Application of basic thermodynamics, fluid mechanics and heat Mechanical, hydraulic and pneumatic performance of body sub-
transfer to the analysis of thermal systems. Internal and extemal systems. Use of the human parameters in the design of protective and
combustion power plant systems and non-combustion thermal systems prosthetic devices and life support systems. Prereq: Consent of in-
are analyzed. Commercial aspects of thermal systems are studied. structor.
Prereq: ME 321.
590 Elements of Aero-Space Technology. (4)
-;/1 S€7llUTUT·   Flight performance of airborne and ballistic vehicles. Space vehicle
Studies of current engineering literature, preparation and presentation Pmpulslcn and $¤`uctu*’e$· The Space €¤Vim“m€“t- Man ie Simca-
of iriiriingrnpnics nnri reports through ure use of are Engineering Lecture. three h¤¤rS— Prereq= ME 321 and 330-
Index and Industrial Arts Index. Two hours a week. Prereq: Senior _ `
classification. 592 Aero-Space Component Design. (3) j
__ _ _ Preparation of formal proposal on a given requirement in the aero- `
397 IIldCf)C71(i€71£ lx/Ofk U1 i\¤I€Cf1(1TllCdl space Held. Execution of the design. Testing of a prototype under
EIlgi71€€Ti71g,   Pr0P€Y €nViY0¤m€¤t8l Conditions. Prereq; ME 5Q()_
Special research and problems for individual students who wish to
pursue independent investigations. May be repeated for a maximum Prerequisite for graduate work: Students desiring to take
£'~d't·.P :C t£d.ri t.1h‘.. . .
U six UE 15 wml Omen 0 em men q C {mmm any of the following courses should have a thorough working
475 Introduction to Nuclear Engineering. (3) krrewledee ef €h€m1$tfYr PhY51€$ end m¤th€m¤U€$·
I Introduction to basic topics of nuclear science. Interaction of radia- . -,
. tion with matter. Design and operation of nuclear reactors, shielding,   Nuclear Reactor ATV-UZYSZS   (P)
instrumentation, health physics, fuel cycles, use of radioisotopes. Three Advanced topics in reactor analysis. The Boltzman equation, spherical
Z l€¢tlH’€* hU\l1‘S D0? \V0€l<- Prereq: PHY 232; MA 214. harmonic methods and other approximate solutions of the Boltzman
equation. Perturbation theory, neutron importance. Introduction to
480 ’ilflCTI71(ll Environmental Engineering. (3)   l;ihé'g‘s;;z;‘,;’;‘·5g§€§;“;O;‘g’1‘:s· Th“"’ class h°“"s ps" week
An introductory course emphasizing the engineering systems aspects
of thermal environmental design. A case study approach treats   PlaSn1dD),namiCS  
measurement problems, modeling, and equipment specification for _ _ _ ` _ ____
design of environmental systems. Examples drawn from terrestial, Dlscussmn _°f the pmpsrtses ef remzed gases m meeeetre and eleeere
Space Ima murine cm.i,.0m,,cmS_ Lecmrev three hours per week 6elds._Top1cs covered include motionlof charged particles, statistical
. · . e avior o p asmas, con uc ion an 1 usion in iomze gas , ioniza-
Prcreq. Consent of instructor. b h f I d t d dg d ee
tion phenomena, electromagnetic waves and radiation in plasmas, and
, . derivation of the fundamental magnetogasdynamic equations: con-
  Nuclcdr Reeefer Arrelysre     tinuity, momentum and energy. Lecture, three hours. Prerequisite:
Neutron cross-sections, the fission process. Infinite medium criticality ME 620.