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Lawrence A. Allen, Ph.D., is Dean of the College of law, hospital and institution libraries to special libraries
Library Science. attached to industrial, commercial and governmental
organizations. You serve the particular informational
OppOTtuniti€S in Librarianship needs of the group using the library such as scientists,
businessmen, lawyers, doctors, researchers, and govern-
The rapid expansion of knowledge resulting in what m€nt,OHlCm]s‘ U
has been referred to as the “information explosion," It ls never, mo late to Start 3 Second Cmcmrn and
has produced H heavy demand for an types Of women of middle years whose, youngsters have entered
librarians. You will find opportunities for library service Schofll me Ending Qppoltumfles for 3 Dfw Career m
Wherever you gO_in Cities, mwnsy mm] meas, in public and school Ihbrarianship. The rapid growth of
Europe, Asia and South America. Estimates of the the hbmry Pmfcsslon has Opened Q Whole new Edd
need for librarians in the United States alone have for lhc Dime Iimlurc men and Women gf Our §OC1(?ty`
ranged from 20,000 to 1207000 Them is lime doubt Librarianship 1S, therefore, a profession which is not
that the need is vastly beyond the present supply and O\i§rCrQT'did' A ShC;rt3§€ H13? fsf 8 vmlctilof masogsr
‘ ‘ · p1`1I11E1I'1   )€C21L1S€ O C I`2lpl IDCICHSC 111 1C 1111111 €I` `
Wllgfnigliugrio;O;nSs;1;[t1$§;]]a1] Of Sound Educational of libraries in all fields and the consequent expansion
background and with good personal qualifications, you (lf Sgrvlccs. to meet these dcmandl Demand for
me WGH qualified to meet the Current demand for librarians will continue to exceed supply for many years.
librarians. Librarianship offers an extremely wide Qpportumtlcs In the Plofcsiwn me great and tht POSSP
range Of Oppmtunitics in College, university, Public, l);l111€€ for personal satisfaetiarylprotiessional growth and
SChO0l, and Special libI,3I_i€S· S 1I11L1 Sl 111g S€I`\'1C€ 21I'€ \'1I' L13   11111 CSS.
As a college and university librarian, you have more
than 2,100 colle es and universities in the United _ _
States as possibleg places of employment. You serve Tlw College Of Llbliary Science
the students and faculty in an academic and scholarly Although there is Cvidcncc Of Courses in library
atmosphere Clmmlctcrlzcd by 3 Wldc Wmcty Of research' science being offered as early as 1918 at the University
A?   public llbmrmm. you smile thc Communlty by of Kentucky, it was not until 1933 that the Department
pmwclmg €duCgUOlml’ Informational and rccrcahoml of Library Science was formally established. On ]uly 1,
m¤*€¤=0S and Sarees for Dems 0{ 00 gas- The ms, am Department was mgmca as Z. salsa Or
0500 00- 000110 Pbrm M0 brews 0 er 0 me Library sam. On yay i, nm, the School became
range of opportunity for those interested in public the College Of Library Science. It is One Of the SZ
S€mC€' , , library schools in the United States and Canada ae-
As 3 SCh_OOl Zlbrarlfup you may Sdcct from the largest credited by the American Library Association.
group ,0f hbmry pOSmOm’ appmxmmtcly S0’00O` You The objectives of the College of Library Science arc:
administer a program for both students and teachers
and serve a most important function as director of the Q Provide professional education (leading to the
center for instructional materials. M.S. or M.A. Degree in Library Science) for those
As a special librarian, you may choose from a wide people wishing to prepare for careers in librarianship
variety of over 6,000 libraries ranging from medical, and information services.
. 331