Q Provide specialized education for particular areas Admi8SiOn) Requirements and
of librarianship. E
Q Provide opportunities for continuing education Procedure'? for t
of librarians- Graduate Study in Librarianship {
Q Cooperate with librarians, educators and others _ _ I
ln Strcngtllcning all types Of library Scnlcg Applicants are urged to read the Bulletin of the i
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ College of Library Science for detailed information on
Q Participate in professional activities contributing gcmml requirements and Procedures which apply to s
to the ¢·d~’¤¤¤€ms¤* Of the profession the academic program. The Bulletin of the Graduate S
Q Engage in research to advance the theoretical School should also be consulted. S
knowloogo of the Profession Each student has a Library School faculty member  
Thc Olliccs Of the Collcgc Of Library Science are assigned tolhim as an adviser fyr counsel anyilguidance. (
locatcd Ou the fourth ROOT Of thc Tower Building. Adyiser assignment IS based w ienever possi e on stu- E
The Library Science Library is on the fourth floor dent Preference` (
of the Margaret I. King Library. This collection con- l
sists of over 10,000 professional books as well as I
periodicals and pamphlet material. It is supplemented Admission
by the facilities of the University Libraries and other
nearby libraries. Libraries in the area include those in An €$$€¤l?i¤l Y€€1¤iF€ln€nt for admission is an nndon
a theologicalseminary, a Veteran’s Administration Hog- graduate degree in any discipline (from an accredited
pital, a U.S. Public Health Clinical Research Center, i¤SUU1U0¤) with 3 grade Pnint nV€Yng€ of at least a
l the Lexington Public Library, several nearby public 2.75 (on a 4.0 scale). Promise of doing satisfactory
1 regional libraries and the State Department of Libraries HdV¤¤€€€l St¤dY and Y€$€¤F€h and evidence of snocnss
l irl lrrarllrforrl Kcrrrrrclry in the library profession must also be evident in the I
l A Colloquium Series brings outstanding librarians, Hlslniciltlnn forms, rcfercnccs nnd» if nooossnfyr in n
authors, publishers, and other authorities from through- Pcfsnnnl nnCn’1€W·
out the country. Field trips to libraries are arranged as The Graduate Record Examination (Aptitude)
part of course requirements and as voluntary visits. should be taken before application for admission, or
Library School students are encouraged to attend meet- at the latest during the first term of enrollment. A
ings of local, state, regional, and national library as- combined scorc of at least 900 on the verbal and E
sociations. quantitative sections must be achieved.
The students enrolled in the College of Library Tllcrc arc HO specific library Scicucc prerequisites for
Science number over l—l0 with 60 percent of them at- arluiissicu iurc {lic Library (]cllcgc_ Sruclcurs are urged c
tending full-timc. About —}0 percent come from outside uct rc rpalgr iii Library Scicucc as uurlcrgraduarcg but i
KCI1tllCl·{}' 2lll(l l'llCl'C 81'C £ll\\'Ll}'S fl'Olll lllYCC to six fO1'ClgI] rr) Cgnccrlrrgrc Ori Orllgr gublgclj glrggl uiglgrs and r]]il’l()[5 (
l students in attendance. There is an active Student arlrl cbrairl a brcarl libcral arts bacl;grOuii(l_ Tlicsc x
I Committee clcctcd by Library School students cach Srurlcrirs yyirll many ruirlcrgrarluarc library Scicucc ccurscg
i YCLIY. 'lllllS C()1l1Illil’iCC 2l$SlSlS fllC l:2lCUli}' ill tl]C OflCI1t2l- do not rgpgar Sjlllilar Cgurscg in the grgdugirg Prggrgiri {
tl()Il l)f()gf2ll]l f()l' illl l]C\\' Sill(lCl1tS l1Cl(l Lit ll]C l)CglD1`1l1lg arid arg usually glslggd rc rglkg grgdugrg Cgursgg ir] ngrl- (
l of CilCll l’CYlll, l)lll)llSllCS 21 i]l()lllIl]l}’ SlU(lCI`lt llCWSlClflCY, library Science glrggls {O Cgrrgct rrndgrgrgdugtg libgrgil f
Sl)()llS()l'S lllllIlCl'()llS S()ClLll LlCl'l\'lliCS l'llf0UgllOllt lllC }'C2ll', arts wgakrlgssgg Such Cgrrrggs arg, hgyvgvgry (j()ur]r€(l l
2lll(l 42lCtS LIS ll ll£llS()ll Oil \'ilY10llS lll2ll'l`Cl'S l)(2l\VCCll tllC as part Of   ;6-hOur rgquirgrrrgrlr fOr grgdugrigrp l
administrators and faculty of the College and its student A wading lmowlcclgc Of (mc modem foreign language r
~ body. K. _. . .
l , ; _ , (normally German, l·rench or Russian) is requ1red and
l lhcrc are aproxnnatcly 1,000 graduates of the Library mm, bc mct in One Of tlucc WMS; (
_ School and many of these hold important positions in ' ' r
  libraries throughout the world. ·An active Alumni As- • by COmplCtlOu Of the Sccond C0ll€gC year Of El 5
l sociation sponsors annual meetings on the state and rmclgn lrmglmgc COMSG; (
national level during library conferences and acts in _ _ _ _ , (
l an advisory capacity to thc College of Library Science. • by Spccml Cmmmlmon at the bcgmmng Of mich (
l A newsletter is published twice each year by the Library Ssmsstsr Ou Cfmlpusi r
· for distribution to alumni and other interested parties. Q by successful completion of a special, non-credit,
l l·`uturc plans include new, expanded physical quarters one-semester course in a foreign language given on
for the College of Library Science, a continued growth campus every term.
in faculty and student body, and the cstablislnncnt of
a sixth year and Pli.D. program in library and informa- Other modern foreign languages may be accepted l
I tion science. upon petition by the student. I
l BZ
y, ».