Location: Courses are offered in each Community credit hour for the fall or spring semesters. The summer
College and in communities throughout the state when school fees are S17 per undergraduate credit hour and
requested by a school official or an administrator in S20 per graduate credit hour.
Tn°TuSTrY* buSTTTCSS* O}; 3gTTcuTTu“i‘ The Tf“TV€‘sTtg Sends Payment of Tuition: It is preferred that all students
H ;°pfC§°TTi§‘TtTT°§Ot C gmlmumti tobmglstcr an COST? pay tuition by check, made payable to the University
Sc mt t € Stu €nts‘ Ourscs may C OH 3 mmicrc T ’ of Kentucky. However, cash is acceptable.
undergraduate, or graduate level. They are usually I
conducted in a public building in the local area ap- _\V’thdmTTT“l and Refufid Of Fees: A Student mai'
moved as gm adcqiiaic ciHSSiO0m_ withdraw from an-organized class and have refunded
Cl O ,~ _ _ Ci. W i _ d 1 one-half of lns tuition. Requests for refunds should be
i i_ assi Tg;i"""”t'9'Zl_ I ASS? "TT°d_(if§3niZC On Us made at the office of Extension Class Program, Uni-
mm 0 PCL S ‘TS m _TC·‘Tti) )T TTT TT‘ uns _Or gmufis versity Extension. No refund will be made after mid-
fm ET gTT CTT °_°mmumtT· CISOHS mtercstcd TT? Orgmflb semester. All refunds must be claimed before ]uly 1 of
mg an extension class should contact the director of Cach vezm
the Extension Class Program, University Extension, ` _ _
Uiiiicisiii. Oi KCi.miCki._ Admission to the Graduate ·Scho0Z: A student. may
N b R _ d _ Cl _ A _ _ f , take Extension Courses for which he has prerequisites.
{ Tililzgr Siqulrq m _aS5'f mliumumhg appgxk A 600 or 700 level course may be taken only by a stu-
Hidicoi ,1STu ECTS TS require dor 3 °_3$s WH ui 321;* TUS dent having a bachelor’s degree. A student need not
(i 1 iT“T°iS O Cxlngtom agi? Q mmlmum O Stu' apply for admission to Graduate School until he is
(Cn S OT C MKS at Q greater TStanC€‘ ready to enroll on campus. Such students will register
Residence Requirements: A minimum of 30 of the as “Unclassified." If the student had abachelor’s degree
last 36 credits presented for the baccalaureate degree from an accredited college at the time he took a certi-
must be completed on the campus in residence at the fied graduate level course, he will be able to use the
University. In the College of Arts and Sciences the last credit for graduate school purposes under the following
30 credits must be completed while registered in the circumstances:
T College. - · xr
il 1. For transfer purposes it will be labeled Ex-
ii Student Load: Persons holding full-time working or tension." “Certified for graduate credit." Acceptance  
  professional assignments may not take for graduate by another graduate school is entirely the prerogative  
iT credit toward a degree in any single semester or term of that school.  
    TTTUTC than tvs Cr€dTts· 2. It may count for graduate credit at the Univer- T
T   Transfer of Credit: Credit earned by extension may sity of Kentucky provided: I
I ` be transferred to anOtl1eI iHStitutiOI`1 at the f€qL1€Sf of a, The course gradelis B or higher, I
T the student. Each extension student is responsible for b_ The student gains admissimi to imd Ciimiis
T checking with the institution where he is taking his in the Graduate School and was eligible fm 3d_
degree to bc sure the extension courses will be accepted. mission at me time the Course was taken (Guides
i Extension Credit: A maximum of 32 credits taken by OU $}1Ch extension €011fS€S HWY ¤€V€f COURT? towards
i extension and/or correspondence may be counted to- €idm1$510¤·)
i ward the baccalaureate degree. Not more than half of c. The student’s director or special committee
  T the credits required for the major may be gained by recommends use of these credits and the recom-
ii i extension. mendatrons are approved by the Graduate Dean.
i; Time Required: The number of clock hours for fl-. N0 ¤`10f€ than six Cf€difS of €Xi€HSi011 COUTSQS
ifi extension classes is the same as on campus. It is Em? 1¤V0lV€d·
ll .. . . . . ·. · · 2
r i i recommended that classes iorgainued in communities a Credit Toward the MIA. Degree: Under Certain com
1 1 T long distance from the University meet for two sessions . . . . _ .
. . ditions, up to six hours of the credits may be satisfied
1 1 on alternating week-ends. Others are to meet once per _ . . . . .
1 . by extension courses given in person by University of
i i week. All three-hour classes are required to meet a K .
, . . . entucky instructors.
i   ininnnum of 16 sessions for two and one-half clock
T   hours. lt is recommended that each class meet a
T   I minimum of 40 clock ihours for a three-hour course Evening CZQSS PTOgTam i
i to include the organizational and examination sessions. i
TT Auditor: Any student may be admitted to a class as Mlllard F` Alle": 1T" M‘B'A" dlmctor i
an airditorv byipayrnent of thcireqiuiril feei]iNo credit The Uiiii.€[Siii.»S Eiciiing Class Program provides im  
i fiT_“_ii° §T‘°}T OT _j‘i°°fT$C_ ‘Tu$Ttcf` ndiu TTOI TS not opportunity for continuing education to everyone in i
i °TgT’° Or A SPLCTJ °“"T“T“‘TTT°“ OT CIC lt' the Central Kentucky area. This program includes  
  Tuition and Fees: Residents of Kentucky pay S14 credit and non-credit classes in many fields taught by i
T per undergraduate credit hour and $19 per graduate University staff members and qualified business and T