professional leaders of the community. Credit courses Library Privileges: Evening class students are en-
are offered under the same conditions as similar day- titled to use the University Library while they are
time campus classes. Non-credit classes are designed to officially enrolled, by presenting their receipted card
meet specific needs of business and professional people at the main desk on the second floor of the Margaret I.
and all persons desiring to broaden their intellectual King Library.
and °“1“‘“‘1h°“Z°“S‘ Fees: The fee for college credit_evening classes is
Enrolling as a Non-credit Student: Non-credit classes S14 per semester hour for undergraduates and $19 per
are open to anyone desiring to enroll in them. Any semester hour for graduates. The fee for non-credit
person may enroll as a non-credit student in a credit classes is on a proportional basis. Some courses will
class. However, the work in some credit classes, require a laboratory fee based on the type of materials
especially those numbered 300 through 599, is of an required. A $2 service fee will be added to the total
advanced nature, and non-credit students should consult amount of class registration fees. All fees must be paid
with the instructor before enrolling. at the time of enrollment.
Non-degree Students: Any person over 21 may enroll Non-Resident Fees: Students who have not resided
as a non-degree student provided he is not currently in the state for twelve consecutive months preceding
enrolled as a degree candidate and is eligible for enrollment must pay out-of-state student fees if they
admission. Non-degree students may apply for admis- register for college credit: S—l6 per semester hour for
sion as degree candidates at a later date, at which time undergraduate credit, and SSS per semester hour for
they must meet regular admission requirements as given graduate credit.
in the University General Catalogue. Credit earned as a
non-degree student may be counted toward a University
degree provided the student was eligible for admission _
to the University and for the course at the time of Conferences and Inrghtutes
enrollment. Generally speakin , the typical evenin . / .
class student should enroll as agnon-degree student. g Robert G` Flgg’ M`A" director
l nagaaa Candidate saaaiaaiaa Dagiaa candidate ata- Th_C¤¤r€¤€¤¢€ ¤¤d1¤S¤¤¤¤?r¤sr¤i¤ was ¤S_*r{¤
  dents taking one or more daytime classes must register Ccntmhfcd agnnny through which the Unlvnrsltys
J with the Rcgistmras Ofnce according to thc regular academic, administrative and operational facilities are
. Uniwrsity Schedule. -I-hey may cmon in an evening co-ordinated to extend continuing educational service
I Ciass Oni}, after mmpictmg this registration. to citizens throughout the Commonwealth.
In co-operation with the academic colleges, confer-
I Fulktimc U'rrV€T$rrY SrUd€'rr$¥ Fnn‘rrnr€ Unr"€r$rrY ences, institutes and similar short-course study programs
Students Who h?r"€ Pfrrd rh€ full r€€ rrr3Y cnrnn in an can be organized for business and professional groups. I
evening class which carries University credit provided Each nicginin is spccifacalliy designed in inchide
HWY have rh€ P€rmr$$rOn or their darn and adviser- selected topics that are of greatest practical interest to
Full-time students may enroll in classes listed as "non- thc nenhcii,nnts_ The teaching Stags nic Composcd ci
¢f€di*i"l>5’1>¤Yi¤g rh€ $r?*r€d f€€· both University staff members and visiting lecturers
Academic Standing of Evening Students: Evening nnd Cnnsnlrnnrn __ _
Class non-degree students are subject to University The Crnssrnnrn nnd rnncl Servrcn rncrnnnsg and when
regulations concerning academic standing (grade point Pn$$nn€» rnc nnnnng rncnrrrcs Or rn? Unr"€r$rrY are rnndc
inemges), nendeinie nmbntinn, and dinnning ini inn, available to visiting groups participating m these pro-
scholarship. Each student is responsible for familiarizing grams- lTn€ UnrV€r$rrY,$ Cnrnnnnn HOUSE Cnnrcrnncc
himself with these regulations and maintaining the C€¤t€r, l0C3T€d UCQT the main campus, also provides
Proper gindepnint ni,emge_ adequate conference accommodations for University-
Students who have been dropped by the University Sponsored Cnnnnrnng cnncnnnn Prngrnnrs nnn 15
Of Kentucky mai. not Cnmii {Oi Credit in the Evening operated by the Office of Conferences and Institutes
Class Program until they have been reinstated. for rnrs Purpose-l
Students from other institutions desiring to enroll for
credit must meet all University conditions for admission.
i These include good standing in every respect in the COUHCU On  
’ institution last attended and a grade point average of
i 2.0. Or Cy in all Pr€"rnn$ college WOrk· Earl Kauffman, I\~I.A., Ecl.D., direelor
l Students who plan to transfer credit to another
i institution must be eligible in all respects for admission The University of Kentucky has a deep and abiding
  to the University of Kentucky. It is the responsibility interest in people, including those who are nearing
i of the student to ascertain whether or not the work will retirement and those who have fulfilled their obligations
i be accepted by another institution. to their job or profession. To give substance to this