1971 Fam-Week Intersession Neremeee 1· 2+Me¤<1e·>‘ eee T¤eee1ev—1-eee dere ee
_ _ _ _ , pay graduation fees in Billings and Collections Office
April l6——l·riday-——Last date to submit all required docu- for H December dc me
· · R ' trar’s Office for admission to the 1971 . g .
1i1°11“v1f’_k ggm _ November 8-—Monday—Last day to withdraw from a
\Il v1]2m`lC?° d litcrifssloil . class before finals
* *11y ’_;.Ot1_ a1v_ Cgls whim . November 9—Tuesday—-1972 Spring Advising Confer-
Mf'1 18_1u°§da1"C1aSSwOr1` 1>ee<·¤e . ence for freshmen and Community College transfer
lune ll-—Friday—End of Four-week lntersession Students ,
_ _ November 10-23—\Vednesday through '1`uesd:-1y—Ad— i
  Eight-·1’V86k Summ-GT S€SS’lO1'1- vance registration for 1972 Spring Semester
ling ];..'l`u(gg(_lgv....R(; igtrgfign N0\'C1TllD€1'     AdV1SlI`lg COI`1·
Iuuc ])...\ C rigs ay- gggwgtu Qgrrlg CICIICQ ·O1' I`1€W 21 VQHCC S QD 11'lg ISHS €l'S , C
I ( Vd id gCl kb` f f d dt d' (t f ) th
lune 2l——Monday—Last day to enter an organized class f€€1€1m1SS10H and HOU-d€gr€€ Students
i for the Summer Session November 25, 26, 27—'1`hursday through Saturday—
lune 2f$——Monday—Last day to drop a course without a Thanksgiving Holidays (Academic Holidays)
grade December 10——Friday—Last date for readmission, non-
lunc 28, 29—\londay and '1`uesday—Last days for filing degree, transient and auditors to apply for admission
y appplications for an August degree in College Dean's to the 1972 Spring Semester
Ofiiee December 14—Tuesday—Class work ends
luly $—Z\londay——lndcpendcnce Day (Academic 11oli- December l6.Z2—Thursday through Wednesday...Final
day) examinations
luly 2f€—\Vedncsday—Last day to withdraw from a December Z2_\iVednesday_End of Fall Semester
, class before end of Summer Session Dgcgmbgr 24..Fr-iday_All grades dug in Rcgigfrgrys
luly 31J—1·`riday—Last day for readmission, non-degree, Ofliee by 4;()() p_in_
transient, and auditors to apply for admission to the
1971 F`all Semester _
August ll——\Vednesday——End of 1971 Summer Session   Sp7`ZTlg S€77”L8St€T
August li-——l·riday——All grades due in Registrars Office iammry 17, i8_MOnday and Tu€sday_CiaSSinCatiOn,
by +00 1)`m‘ registration and (orientation
anuary 19—Wednesday—C1ass work begins ‘
  M11 Sgfnestgr lanuary ZS-Tuesday-—Last day to enter an organized
lune l$—'l`uesday-1.ast date for new freshmen and class for the Spring Semester
transfer students to submit final admission docu- Ianuary 31-Monday-Last day to drop a course with-
incnts for admission to the 1971 Fall Semester outa grade
lnne Z8-luly 1—Monday through '1`liursday—Summer February 21, 22—M0nday and '1`uesday—Last days for
Advising Conference for new Community College filing application for a May degree in College Dean’s
transfer students enrolling in 1971 Fall Semester Office
lulv Z, 9, lo, Z3, 3(1—Fridays—Summer Advising Con- Mareh Z().26—Monday through Sunday-Spring Vaca-
fcrencc for new advanced standing (transfers), April 3_l\/londay.-Last day to withdraw from a class
auditors, and non-degree students enrolling in 1971 before finals
111111 $¤111€$1¤1‘ April 3—Monday—Last day for out-of-state freshmen to
luly o-ZS—'l`uesc1ay through \Vednesday—Summcr Ad- gttbmit all required documents to Registrar’s Office
vising Conference for new frcsluncn students en- for admission to the 1972 Fall Semester
1**11111% 111 111¢ 1*171 11`Y111 S¤111€$1or Day (Academic Holiday) adinissien and nerpdegree students
September b-—\\'cdncsday——1.ast day to enter an or- Ann] ]7.23_l\/[Onday tlireugh Friday..Advanee regis.
ganizcd class for the Fall Scrncstcr ti-ation {Or l9”/2 Fall Semester
Septcnil>cr l?—\londay—-1,ast day to drop a course A-r[ay6_Satrrrday._End ot elass wgrk `
_ “`1111"111 *1 9111119 May 8—13—Monday through Saturday—Final examina- `
September ill, October l——'l`hursday and Friday-—Last tions
days for filing application for a December degree hlnv ]g_l?riday..l_,ast day te submit all required docu-
111 C·>11¤s¤ 1191111* (19199 I { ments to the Admissions Office for admission to the
(1t`lUl1L`l'v 2-.lfl"flLlLl}'·-1ii1Si (l21}' to \\'1tlldl'2`l\V fl`Oll`l tl1€     Suynyngr Stjggign and   SCh0Ol
University and rcccivc any refund Junior Siiininer Program
Octolier I —·—\\ crliicscl;iy—-lrast date for new freshmen May l3..$aturday_End Spring Semester
and transfer students to submit final admission docu- May l6_Tuesday..All grades due in Rggigtrgfg ()fliee
iucuts for .idmission to the 197] Spring Scrncstcr by 4;OO p_m,