L` ` A el l`
Ggngral lnfgrmatign be kept near capacity, otherwise the distribution of
_ _ _ _ fixed costs (debt-service, operational and maintenance
The Unwérslty Of Kcntuckyfs happy tg SECT Its costs) would make both room and board fees pro-
Studcms A 1*1%** $“*¤$1=*f<1 Of f€S*d€¤°€·h¤l1 h*’*¤€» Sur iiiiiitittiy iiigii. with tiitit Objective iii miiiti, the
passcclby few Other mSt1tuhOH$‘ _ _ following policy regarding residency has been adopted:
t During the past three years, irradditwn to ¢0H11>1€f· A1] freshmen nqugt submit applications for University
mg the new $22t million Blandmg-Kirwan Complex, residence halts, except the following;
more than $1 million has been spent in improving
the older facilities. Each room has been furnished 1- Studems who RTC 21 YOHTS vt USO OY Older
with inner-spring mattresses, lobbies have been re- 2. Students who are veterans of at least two years
decorated, and new furniture has been added. Now, of active military service
more than half the space available has wall-to·wall 3_ Students who Commute ttom twmc
carpeting, and nearly 75 percent of·that space 1S fully 4. Students who me married
air-conditioned. Hallways in all units are carpeted to . . . .
reduce noise. 5. Students who obtain special permission from the
Dean of Students’ Office.
· Freshman students are required to indicate on the
HOuS1ng Office application whether or not they desire to live in Uni-
The University’s Housing Office is responsible for versity residence halls. Those students who indicate
the receipt of housing applications and deposits, the that they do not desire to live in residence halls and
establishment of consideration lists, the assignment of whose applications are on file prior to lune 1, 1971,
rooms and apartments, the notification of room or will be informed by lune 15, 1971 whether or not they
apartment assignments, and the payment of refunds have been given permission to live off-campus. Fresh-
, (where applicable) for married and single student man students who apply for housing after ]une 1, will
housing. be required to live in residence halls if space is avail-
able. Priority is given to returning students who make
applications and submit the S100 deposit on or before
WIIO MuSt   7:07 HOlLSiHg April 15, 1971.
1 Most major universities have`long considered resi-
1 dence-hall living a valuable part of the total educational _   _
experience of their students, and the University of FOOd SGMJZCQS