in many areas of intercollegiate competition. Ken- portunities for men to mature mentally, physically and
tuckyis athletic program is a well-balanced and am- emotionally. By encouraging the most complete per-
bitious activity featuring intercollegiate competition in sonal development of its members, the fraternity
eight difiercnt sports and encouraging participation by emphasizes academic excellence, leadership, social com-
all students. Although football and basketball get the petence and brotherhood. In relation to student affairs,
headlines, other sports receive prime treatment from the fraternities sponsor various weekends, many all-
the Department of Athletics, which conducts its ac- campus jam sessions, service projects, and have one of
tivities without overemphasis or sacrifice of educational the strongest intramural leagues at the University.
objectives. The University fields representative base- Each fraternity’s chapter house operates as sanctioned :
ball, track, swimming, golf, tennis, and rifle teams. University housing. The primary responsibility for the
fraternity's operation rests with the undergraduates,
Campus Recamn Tiff}..f}‘i.‘§“Ef.i"?...i£.§E1i- i‘2i$§§e.Di§i§’“§t.. i§§ff"E§'
The Deliririrneni Or Crinipns Reereriiien is Organized ternities rush entering freshmen, and upperclassmen
with the belief that it is an educational responsibility who have gi 2_0 grade-point average. It is necessary for
or ri rnedern nniVersiiY re Prerneie ri eeinpieie and all men to achieve a minimum of 2.0 over-all before ‘
  intoiliacntiv ¢o¤·
li to participate in iis many activities as deemed advisable Social,   Cultuiauih The Sowimcs itrcss lcamuigi
Somc Sports in the program me Organized for maui responsibility, aehievement, and friendship. They strive
i competition and others for individual participation. to make   gcliumc Contribution to Chapter? gilmpusi and `
i Non-competitive recreational outlets are also available Community MC. Among the many activities Offcmd ·
  In thc Case Of team COmpCtitiOD groups Or teams ma; through the sororities are: faculty firesides, retreats, e
ii be esgseisea bv sesieiessee heirs, fraternities clubs e S?i‘.°i““i“i° i"°g"‘i“S’ Si‘i?i°f°‘i Oi °“ii““‘l ?i°g"""S’
· _ , _’ ’ ’ civic work, and social activities. Each sorority s chapter
l dcimmiicnt Oi ri group Of mdmduali house operates as sanctioned University housing. The
responsibility for the sorority’s operation rests with
F1`2It€1`llltl€S and SOIO1'iti€S the undergraduates, with the assistance of the House
The fraternity system has been designed to supple- Direcier Soiqiity alumni Find the Sorority Adviser
i ment the formal educational process by providing op- Rushing activities for SOTOUUCS begin before the OP€“'
' mg day of fall classes and conclude during the first
i i 6     _   I e . wcck of classes. All entering freshmen and transfer
i i       .e,,g_\   X   ·-·,   _` i women who are in good standing with the University
|}       ‘_;4g_;n§\iii,ij,i;,,..i  A are eligible for rush. \Vomen who have attended the
l V       _ Uiiivcfsity at least one semester may participate in rush
i ii  Q  " ` Q J   _ if they have a 2.0 over-all standing and a 2.0 the previous
, gf.  si ,_ " _   semester (based on a 4.0 system . Open biddin is in
i il   . ii ·i__] 3 ` _   effect throughout the year as vaciancies in the cliapters
i'   i i occur. Chapter limitation is presently 90 initiated and
{   s ;_‘ . Y pledging members combined. Fourteen national soror-
I 3 2 3 _ `L   i ie     ities maintain chapters at the University of Kentucky.
. . i.   \ 4, ire'!
 ii i,¤       I Student Services
ii *7 i   i    -0*; _ *  — ,  if" K
  if  iii .     V   iii if  A ` {¢_`—`i   D€3.1] of StllCl€l]tS’ Office
l .’ i i , {ct ..   e I ` " ,g i..'. '* ii . 
i ` i ‘*     jj  F ‘·      The Dean of Studcnts’ staff is prepared to assist
ii _ n · , _  V     lg    {git  students in fulfilling their responsibilities as citizens
. i in ei in    .       i   of both thc University community and the larger Lex-
I 5 ii Y; _q P,_ Q- i ;   ` .     i  * ’   ington community. Members of the staff are available
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