Selection of Honors Students FACULTY A
Entering freshmen with superior abilities are identi- R0b€¥t O- EVBHS,  1o2> fob 202) ooo r
to continue participation so long as the program is able two pro'Sommmo> also m hlstory of loom but Wlth r
tn serve their needs. the content varying from semester to semester (HON I
301, 302). The first two courses (HON 101, 102) are
Rewards teqgiretl 0; all fteslitrienlsenterinlg the Hortprs tlilrograms; .
u en s w 0 en er ie onors rogram a er e res -
Tho grootost Yowfho hh HohoY$_ Sthdohli ooh com is man year will be required to take at least two colloquia, T
*1 Sohso of thc hhPoYh*hoo of his o“'h ?*olho"omoht· the particular courses to be decided by the Director. {
  There arc, however, other more tangible rewards to be The Cohonmn me taugllt by members Ot the Htmms  
( ihhod goth 1)€‘Yt;ollh'hoh_ ml   Higorstl Progmhh staiif or by Visiting Professors from other departments.
  . ( ( -t _ V
mono mic No qi mg Ucms lp? W1 O mr young 2. Independent work. All Honors Program students P
t persons of superior intellectual ability, graduate fellow- . , , .
( _ . _   _ . . _ . are required to engage in an independent study
r ships, assistantships, ctc. At any given time about 90 . . . .
. _ t proycct under the direction of a faculty member during
, percent of the graduates of the llonors Program enter . . / . .
; _. - the ]L1ll1OI` andy or senior year. The protect may be _
- professional or graduate schools, most of them with . . . .
1 . . . undertaken for credit; the program is designed so that a
hnancial support. A considerable portion of each class . . .
· . . . . . . , student with a sufficiently valid research problem 1nay r
;• initiated into societies such as Phi Beta Kappa or · . . . . ·
r 1 e. . be freed from other academic obligations for an entire
i .lgl1]2l X1 comes from the llonors Program. . . . . .
l semester, with the permission of the Director and his r
i departmental adviser. Most students, however, under- T
How to Apply . . . . l
1 r take three credit hour protects. Students may use either t
    Students interested in the llonors approach to edu- HON 395 or departmental 595 courses to fulfill this {
t V cation, who believe they have superior abilities and obligation. g
A 1 Y"l‘_?’r‘°r l“t°T°.St? lh “°‘“l°‘“l° “""k “€ S°‘l°“S* mf , 3. I—1t>¤¤rs sections or departmental classes (Or, in  
mu M to “ no to` the case of mathematics, special departmental classes).
, Director, llonors Program The students in these sections are homogcneously
L Office Tower 805 grouped. Students who are not members of the Honors
r University of Kentucky Program arc permitted to attend llonors classes with
1 Lexington, Kentucky 40506 permission of the respective departments. Honors stu- t