CO1/mee D€SCTlptzOnS 415 Farm Accounttng and Record A7`l£1l)SlS. (>l
Development and analysis of records to farming situations. Interpreta-
tion of essential records from zz farm manager’s viewpoint as a means
AGRICULTURAL MARKETING ofimproving decision-making. Prereq: AEC 310.
’ ·> · · w
>OO Agrzcultural Marketmg. (p) - ._
Principles and methods of marketing farm products with attention Dll Adwmced Fawn ;\Ianagcn1c"t' _ (D)
l to systems and agencies at both country and central markets. Prereq: An advanced mmlysls of management and managing farms- PY€*’€q¥
ECO 260; c;EN 102. AEC 310
. W r‘ J · ·
40] Md,·]l6 Land \ aluc and Apprazsal. (3)
Special emphasis on the marketing of and the market systems fm, 'Ihe capitalization process, and other methods of valuing farm land;
tobacco. Application of marketing principles and methods to tobacco. ilppfmsfd I"°°€d“mS Of the Federal Land Banks and other Credit
Prereq; AEC 30O_ institutions. Prereq: AEC 310 or approval of instructor.
2 402 Tobacco l\lar/cet Grades and Grading. (1) $18 Farm Labor Utilization. (S)
Procedures and problems in establishing market standards for tobacco, Emment “`°rl‘ m?th°‘l fundamclftals as "P_Pll€d *0 ¤$‘”i°'·*lt“ml_ P*'°d‘}°·
including practice in grading. Prereq; or concur; AEC 300, Or UGH, “’0Tk S1mPl1HC0€10¤ analysis of SPECIHC farm jobs and mcentrve
approval of instructor. payment plans for encouraging economic use of farm labor, are studied.
Prereq: or concur: AEC 310.
403 Marketing Livestock and Livestock Products.   Z `)
Analysis of livestock and dairy markets; market organization, agencies, Y *
institutions, services; and public regulations. Prereq: AEC SOO. PRODUCTION ECONOMICS
40+ Mdrkermg and pmeessmg poultry produem (gl >2O Izztrocluctzon to the Ecouomtcs of Agricultural
Organization and operation of markets; grading, packaging and PTOClUCflO71.  
h°·“‘·U‘“g P““l“Y md €l=lgS· LC“t“"€» (me hom'? labommly t“’0 hO““· Application of economic roduction rinci les to a ricultural roblems
1> · AEc 300 P P P g P ‘
rereq. · resource and enterprise combinations and economic determination of
_ _ A I _, _ optimum levels of output. Prereq: ECO 260.
>Ol Economzcs of Agrzcultural Marketzng. (> l 7 _ _ we
Analysis of agricultural markets with major emphasis on use of the 5-0 Production ECOnOl7UCS· l?)
theoretical t00ls—pricing practices, product choice, advertising Erm Economic analysis of agricultural production. A theoretical treatment
and industry growth, location and economic development. Prereq: of land and capital returns, costs and related functions of agricultural
AEC 300. production at an elementary level. Prereq: AEC 310.
SOS Structure and Organization of Agricultural 620 Advanced Production Economics I. (3)
BuSineSSQS_   An·advanced treatment of production-economies with emphasis on
Understandin Of the structure and or fmization of 8 jcuuumlb flexible product and factor price situations, factor demand functions,
related businisses and industries incluging Cooperative? and th; multiple product production, and poly-periodic production theory.
‘ 7 s » » · < ""0 ’· , · "
influence of these on key management decisions by owners and man- Pnnqi AEC a"0 Or equnalmt and MA 11* or ECO ago'
. f , . . ' . " - k ' h `· , - · I
tlgergsc farms as well as policy and decision ma ers in suc busi 621 Advanced Production Economics H.  
A continuation of 620 with emphasis on production function estimation,
  Adymlccd Agricultural Alarlietillgl   aggregate production and supply relations, factor distribution theories
_ I _ _ _ _ _ and implications for agricultural policies and programs. Prereq; AEC
A critical examination of oblecttves and results of various types of 620 Altemntes with AEC 661
research in market organization, marketing functions, market manage- l
ment, and price analysis. Prereq: Approval of instructor.
F I _ __ —l> > Agricultural and Farm Finance. ( 3)
)`lO Agricultural POZICY (’) Credit necds of agriculture; problems connected with farm and
Historical development of principles underlying agricultural policy; market agency financing; Grtzanization and operation of agricultural
objectives of agricultural policy; appraisal of current and proposed credit agencies. P1'€1’€'l’7 Land ll·CO77O77UC$· ( 7) Price behavior of agricultural products including supply-price relation-
i Institutional, technological and physical forces affecting the use of ships and fhvif 1'CIQUOU to The Q<‘¤€‘¤'#*l P¤’l€€‘ 1•J\'€l- P¤‘0¥€Q¤ ECO 260.
land resources in agriculture. Analysis of problems connected with
  tgxitgretlgttrnriecriititgrysitzgncgtnid transfer of farm real estate, Prereq:   Adlunccfl Agricllllllnll llriccsl (   l
° O . .` ll ' O Y
Advanced study of agricultural price behavior by the application of
. . l..\ ~— ni- tl ·   anl stat`st` al llD{\l_`."S. Prer qc Approval of ` -
6-l0 Aclvcmcccl Agricultural Policy. (>l ;:,T,`2.$Q,_° uml ( I lc W E m
Influences of policies upon economic progress, efficiency in resource
use, distribution of income, and welfare in agriculture. Prereq: Ap-
l p“"`“l "f ‘“““"°`“"· ECONOMIC pEvELo1>MENT
l FARM MANAGEMENT STO Infermztiomzl /\gTl-(.`lIlllll'L’, \Y’orI