I   Enviy-Onynent for Plants and Animals as tional analysis, economic analysis and design of more complex
. . ., systems for soil and water control and management. Prereq: AEN
Réldféd to ETlgl7l€€TlTlg. (9) 437 or consent of instructor.
A study of the thermal, moisture, light, and gaseous components of _ _ _
ll plant and animal environment with emphasis on interactions between   AdVc171C€d AgTlCUlfuTL1l PTOCQSSl7lg.  
if th€s°hbl°l?g1?a;SySt°"?s and tamu `°¤;"`°"llll€nXEL§°t%r§ and rccnatmni Analytical study of engineering problems dealing with the handling
, FWD 0****: a Omtorb {WO °‘·“'$· “”€‘l· 4 0* Consent O and processing of agricultural products, such as grading, sorting,
  mstmctmx drying, and curing, and the preparation of plans for these operations.
l` V . . To be oitered as a formal class or as a special problems course.
E   Farm Power and Machzllery-   Lecture, two hours; laboratory, two hours. Prereq: AEN 447.
l A study of farm tractors and implements. Operating principles of I
l valves, carburetion, ignition, and lubrication of the engine. Use and 606 il/llCTO771€fCOTOlOgy.  
l care of selected tractor-mounted implements. Emphasxs lon mainte- A study of the processes occurring at the €m_th_MmOSphem boundary,
l {ance' cms; am? llgbomtory Wmgc On tmctmls and lmplemenw including heat and energy balance, which are important to biological
‘ °CturE’ two °"rS* a °mt°ry> two °urs‘ systems. Lecture, three class hours per week. Prereq: STA 521 or
. . . STA’23, 'Th d· `, tf`tt.
  Energy Sources and Machinery for Agnculturel   0 one course in ermo ynamics or consen o ins ruc or
` The use of fundamental concepts of energy and materials in   Advanced Plant, $0;], [[]1(ll\1[[C]]i]l(;’f>'
analytical and experimental approaches to the development and   l · I - -»—
— design of energy converters and machinery for agriculture. Lecture, Q atlons Up`; (Jl
two hours; laboratory, two hours. Prereq: Senior standing in engineer- A consideration of fundamental concepts of energy and materials in
l ing or consent of instructor. the identification and mensuration of parameters needed in the
l 4 _ _ _` development of new machines for agriculture. Lecture, two hours; '
* 427 F unctzonal Design of Agrzcultural Structures.   >) 1¤b<>r¤f¢>ry. twv hours- Prereq: AEN 417 und 505.
l Functional requirements of farm buildings and structures- planning . . .
for plant and process efhciency; selection and utilization df environ-   Advanced Deslgll for Structulchi for Biological
mental control equipment and structural materials; preparation of plans SySte]nS_ ( Q l
cmd designs. Lecture, two hours; laboratory, two hours. Prereq: AEN . . . . . . . . .
_: 406 ME 220 MET 301. 'lilhe usel of s1r?1l1tTde,c;;l1mens1<1nal {malysis, and stmxstxcal Itlhsory rn
` ’ ’ t e ana ysis 0 se ecte agricu tura structura pro ems_ e pre-
,¤ -»~ diction of system performance as environmental conditions change;
_ _l)O Fdnn Water A/Idnagelnenli (D) and the analysis of system reliability. Lecture, two hours; laboratory,
l Ele¤}e¤Y¤1'}' 5¤\’VeY1¤E, mapping, Bild determination of 1¤¤d 81’e¤$; two hours. Prereq: AEN 525 or consent of instructor.
consideration of precipitation, runoff and soil erosion relationships;
planning terraces, waterways, drainage systems, farm reservoirs, pond   Advanced   and \Y/(iter Conscrydtjml
water treatment and irrigation systems. Lecture, two hours; laboratory, E7 U. . U l., _
two hou,-s_ Zblllééflllb. _ 3)
_ _) _ I _ _ A consideration of advanced techniques useful in research, analysis,
` 4).7 DCSlg71 of E7lglT‘l€€TlTlg S)’Sl'€T71SfOT SOI] and design related to soil and water conservation facilities. Mathe-
` l matical and statistical techniques and theory of models are included.
and Water A4andge7nent‘   Lecture, three hours. Prereq; AEN 535 or consent of instructor.
Application of engineering principles to the management of surface
and soil water for agricultural production. Surveying and mapprng for 6.].) Llcctronldgnctlc Rudldhon In Agrlculturul
the layout of water control facilities. Design and construction of , . . ._
facilities for runoff and erosion control, water storage, drainage, and llillglilééflllg. (vi)
irrigation. Lecture, two hours; lz1bDl’21t01’y, fOlll` hOU1”S. PIBFHQC NIE 330- An advanced gtudy of the theory and cngirmering aspects of electro-
_ _ _ _ _ magnetic radiation as applied to the Agricultural Sciences. Considera-
  AgTlCUliUTdl PTOC€SSl71g CINCZ ILZGCUZ/‘lCLl['lO7l.   tion is given to the ultraviolet, visible, infrared and radiofrequency
Application of engineering principles to the processing and storage of FYPe$ of electromagnetic mdiatieik PF€‘\'€Vl¤ AEN 548 OY ·¤¤¤¤sc¤t of
agricultural products. The utilization of electricity in agriculture. ‘"‘t“‘°t""·
Instrumentation and control of agricultural processes. Analysis of W [_ _ _
processing systems. Lecture, two hours; laboratory, two hours. Prereq;   .lLIZCTg)’ (UIC] AIUSS lT(1ILS`fCT Ill 1\gTlClll[lLTLIl
AEN 406 EE 305 ME 330. 1) ‘ ¤
· * rocesszng. ( >)
.     Problenilsl   Q cgrrlpzilgterlsivle iid in defstht sttglly of thessprincirzles ot elrgergy ang
_ _ _ as r. e s era o e roc11 oariu a.n
A¤ i¤*¢¤Siv¤ Smdv ¤f S¤m¤ Phases ¤f Agricultural E¤g¤¤¢r=¤¤¤ ·¤ i.r..10gr.-ui materials. 5.mKK YAEN $481;.. §>..i.i’.t of rlla`l..a`$l. `
which the student is particularly interested. Approval of the instructor
‘ ‘d.M. b .tdr . ‘ f'. d't·. ~ - · · ~ - ·
is Equus W ° IEDM 8 ° 1 maximum 0 SK cre I ° 6pS Instrumentation in Agricultural ILHQZIICCTIIIQ
SOS Engineering Analysis. (3) Research. ( 3)
A study of the professional method of dealing with engineering prob- The principles and applications of measuring instruments and devices
lems and the application of this method to problems encountered in for obtaining experimental data. Lecture, three hours. Prereq: (Ionsent
~ the agricultural industry. Lecture, two hours; laboratory, two hours. of instructor.
» Prereq: AEN 416, 425, 435 or consent of instructor.
660 Siznilitucle in Envineerinv (3)
  Crcgnhousc Deslé/n’ AIanagenlent’ and _l_ An advanced approach to engineering problems through the theory
E7zY17‘071771Q71f(1l COIIIETOI,   of similitude and its application to models. The use of geometrically
Functional requirements of a greenhouse and the physical laws influ- g'"'l‘“'· dlSF°rt‘?d· and d‘ss*““l“r models wm l"’ d'$'*“SSL'd· P"'*’“‘i’
cncing these requirements. The influence of structural, physical, and mdumc *l‘md'"g·
biological factors on the environmental conditions will be emphasized. ___ _ _ 4 _
Lecture, two hours; laboratory, two hours. Prereq: HOB 512 and /50 §fJCCl(Il PTOIJICIIIS lll /\gTICllifl1f¢ll
I consent of instructor. (Same as HOR 506.) Enuinccrina ( I 3 l
| :> z>· `
l ,-19 Plant   and Alldchiner llelationships   Independent work on selected research problems in one of the
D 7 y _ ' _ various fields of Agricultural Engineering. Consultation and lab-
Advimcvd CDHCPDIS in the ¤S€ of biological and $011 Parameters m She oratory by appointment. Prereq; Approval of .Chairmrm of De-
l design of machinery for agriculture and agriculturally related industries. lm,-tl,l€nt_
, Lecture, two hours; laboratory, two hours.
‘ , , . . 768 Residence Credit for i\Iaster's Deeree. (O)
5**5 knvlronnlcntdl Dcslgll for BlOlOglcdl SySt?7n`S' (  May be repeated once. (1-6 credits equivalence.)
‘ The influence of environmental factors on biological efficiency. design
1 and selection of equipment and controls for providing environmental »- » · Y
mqulmmems of blologlcal Sysl€ms_ Lecture, lm llmllsl lablllmm /69 Residence Credit for Doctors Degree. (O)
two hours. Prereq; AEN 427 or consent of instructor. MM be F€P€¤f€d i¤d€H¤it€l>’- (I-}? Credits <·<1¤¤i\‘a¤lcucc.l
l S35 Soil and VK/ater Conservation Engineering. (3) 775 Seminar. (O)
Consideration of elements of hydrology related to agriculture; func- VVeekly meetings with members of the stait for reports and discussion