Lmportaritbchemical }proce;ses iughe soil.Aé§ct;;% agglldisglt-Egioéiéjtwo John   Robertson   Kentucky,  
' . Z , , 2.. l' . .
cgsgggt  me Om meq 0 VV. Y. Varney Ph.D., Michigan State, 1960
-- . . , ..W` Ph.D.Ktk,161
6/; Advanced Soil Physics. (>) 1;I(?“, hicliff Pl 15 (21 uc 5 1350
Relation of physical properties of soil to transfer of water, air, plant ' ' OO O 1' " OIHC ’
nutrient ions, and heat in soil and factors affecting such movement. _
Prereq: AGR 575, 576, MA 214 and consent of instructor. ASSOCMIIG PTOf€.S`SOT.S`
681 Mineralogical and Chemical Analysis of Soils. (2) 191111 1’· B=¤1$<·=f Ph-D-» 1111¤<>1S» 1969
Laboratory emphasis on instrumental methods and techniques used in lohn   Begln   Penn State,  
quantitative and qualitative mineralogical and chemical analysis of G L   Cha CH      
soils and relation of these analyses to physical, chemical and biological ` ' ' PP ` " ` ' " __
systems. Lecture, one hour; laboratory, six hours. Prereq: CHE 226, CHI'}! Cromwell   PL11'(lL1€, 196/
AGR 366, 581 or equiv. or approval of instructor. (Same as GLY Benjamin T Dean   D Missouri  
681.) ‘ ‘ ‘* _ _*
_ , _ Nelson Gay Ph.D., Illinois, 1962
K1; tAdY111Ce:1t§O1ffFtertilltir 1, t. d h _ I _ 1 f ({3) Roger Hemken Ph.D., Cornell, 1957
I'1 lh C 'fil IOD 0 C E EC S 0 SOI , C IIHH 1C BH p YSIO 0glC3 BC OI'S
on the ilutrition and dry matter accumulation of plants. Lecture and   Dal Kratzér   IOW?1 State;  
discussion, two hours; laboratory, two hours. Prereq: AGR 570 or Bruce   Langlois   Purdue,  
-   r ‘ · . . . ’ . .
  " ‘"11"`°1°' 1 nnn . 166 y 1. ., neenn, >
I I \V ll G M d Pl D M 196`
721 $911 G<¢1wS¤S- (3) Arthur W. Rneiniek, 11. 1>n.D., Minnesota, 1954
C`t'·zl ·tl ith ' .nd ·n ts' s `l s's d th` · ·
re1liiiio1·1sh5ir11s( 110 Dsoil (igi51*iiho1l0gy LsnclCilassliliicagbnéeixiidlysll: of $(611     Tuttle   M1ch1g3n Stan;  
properties and soil forming processes responsible for the development     \/vg;] ITIQIH   Iowa Stgte,  
of unique soil pedons. Lecture, two hours; laboratory, two hours.
Prereq: Consent of instructor. Assistant Professors
741 C19 Mi¤¢1¤1<>gr· (3) ennn Absher 1>n.o., Tennessee, 1969
A- -11-J td rm t.ltt fl ‘ 1 - · - · -·
mnZ3'§`1’i$..§3`1T§ 281213 snei Se§I.¥.Z§r§'“FeE{§Fe°1§n1’niSéES§£,§,°iK`3e James A· B<>11¤g 1’11·D-» W1S<><>¤S1¤» 196/
lggrrrsggziboratoryl, two hours. Prer-eq; GLY 212 and 21%; AGR 581,     BIOWH Pl]_D_’ T€]]]]€SS€€7  
.., or equiv. or consent of instructor. (Same as G Y 741.) Ronnic Edwards Phi)., Okrallomai  
Donald G. Ely Ph.D., Kentucky, 1966
OOONNES IN BOTANY 1. D. rex 1>n.D., L.s.U., 1968
i (May be used for agricultural credit, subject to the approval Robert Goodwill Ph.D., Minnesota, 1969
  of adviser). Richard H. ]ohnson Ph.D., Iowa State, 1959
1 501 Plallt p],ySiOlOg>,_ (35) Dennis O.'Ll])1I2l1) Ph.D., 1V11C1llg2ll"1 State, 1969
1 go,. mum dcsCrip{i0n unda, B0t,,,,y_ ]ohn H. Nieolai Ph.D., Maryland, 1965
1 634 Cymgenetics (4) Gary D. Potter Pl1.D., Kentucky, 1967
J   course aesennnen nnne, Benny. 1<91> R1’9¤ 1V1·$·.Wmt¢rs CO11€g€7 OS19. N01W¥1·)’r 1914
.1 , G. T. Schelhng Ph.D., Illinois, 1968
1 791 1°1¤’1f,1V1?1j?1’°1*{f*·B t (1) iweeieneie Thrift 1>n.D., Oklahoma, 1967
. P0 C()lll‘SC €SCl’l l0l'l Ul] €l` 0 {ll'} . -
I p Y Ray E. Tucker Ph.D., Kentucky, 1966 1
l R. Douglas \Vood Ph.D., Kentucky, 1967
. Robert \Vatkins B.S., Michigan State, 1970 1
Research Specialist
VV l- Pe tt G 1 h i . ·
CS cy 1 1111011 111119119 9 1111111111 T. Irl. Iohnson 1v1.s.o1ne State, 1968 1
P. G. \Voolfolk, vice-ehairinan
  Charles Elmer Barnhart Ph.D., Iowa State, 1954 COUTSQ D8SCT1pt1OnS 1
I 1 Neil Wright Bradley Ph.D., Illinois, 1958 202 Liam Home Husbandry (3) 1
1 Charles Frank Buck Ph.D., Cornell, 1953 A may 3,,,;, of the breeds of iight horses; selection, feeding, and ,
1 Ray Horn Durr   Wisconsin,   igianagriirren:;t0fonri\arg1o$:1§ instruction in equitation. Lecture, two
, GUYS; 1l)O H _', ' . .
1 Theodore Russell I· reenian Ph.D., Penn State, 1937 _
1 \Vesley Patterson Garrigus Ph.D., Illinois, 1935 20+ L11`eS19C11 11/1‘111‘1g“’119g1·1 k t t1 11
1 VWS11 W- 1111119 1’11·D» 1<>W¤ 51919 1998 LTYEHF ,..1IQ".Z?§`5 r$“nJ§1E1’1$ZYE ...e§Y`i$Z(ZZ1n1e`Y,T"SE?{$°§‘n1.n1Zi$°{fn- 1
1 \V. M. Insko, jr. M.S., \Vest Virginia, 1927 <>r¤1¤r>n 11*9 11911*9 1
Don R. laeobson Ph.D., Maryland, 1956 280 Feeds and Feeding (4) ·
I.   KCIIIP   111111015,   Digqstion, absorption, assimilation and utilization of nutrients by 1
1 , · '.`.lf ' dt` .P' '.lfds ndrations ‘
11 C- 9111* 14*111O 1°11-D1 1OWN $1*19 1969 $11}{i`1°i}3§e$'$L’i`Z§a?Z1ZZ‘L1°£"§Se.f12‘1 3§$Z“n,nZ2'f°iS§nn.‘iZn1,1`am  
1 D. \V. l\1IaeLaury Ph.D., Iowa State, 1955 Prereq; can 106, cm; 102 or 110. ,
1 Gcmgc 1L' 1)‘111C1*°111 11‘ P11‘D‘* 111111015* 19>O 300 Live Animal and Carcass Evaluation. (3)
D111\\1111d     111111015,   Correlation of live animal and carcass characteristics of beef cattle,
. 86