C L A S S N 0 T E S
in Urbana, Ohio. Previously, he Tora Sanford ’04 AS is the
was the university’s Webmaster. head dancc and cheerleading A   Memorial
He and his wife, Mary. reside in coach at Transylvania Univer- to Bravery and Brotherhood
Urbana. sity in Lexington. She also is P 1 Simon ,98 AG fGala ss   r»/V       {v`'_‘ ss
, . the dance ro ram director for all O T ‘ _   " * 
ggglgtlgss i    inc pen Crib gr L€XingtOn_ Simon Associates lnc.,swas V { " I ,iiiiq_ s s  
ters Benzingcr & Lavciie PSC Sanford is a former member of Seleeled as llle Wlllllel lllllle ` ·· A _    
HC ismcssces corporate tax an  the UK Wildcat Danzers. She nallennl deslgn enlnlilellllnn " * is  
smpisysgissnssiss iswtiss is also coached at UK in 2004-05. let the W<>f¤eStef (M_¤SS·) _ els _  
based m the l`irm’s Kemmky er- $a“l°“l plmusly he Per File F‘gh“’“ M"‘?‘°“al’ ‘”‘“‘ P —  t ”  
ics iermee as e member ofthe time 3 $30,000 prize and the     ....
1 L dance squads for the Pep Club OPPOllnllllY le deVelOP the i  
Jeremy C. Lay ’02 AS has ac- Lady Legends, the Lexington lllelllOll3l Palk- _ .
cepted a position with the law Horsemen, the Louisville Fire, An ll“lllelllbel`]l~ll`Y Chose l
firm of Dinsmore & Shohl in the Lexington Legends. and the deslgn ef Gala Slnlen
Cincinnntn Ohitt Hg is 3 native inn K€ninCkyrnOtOngrtnrnd€S_ Associates of Watertown, Mass., from among five
Oi Bntgin gne SG1-vnd as dance tnsn-ncint finalists to design the S3-$5 million memorial and
_ _ s _ rot inn Lexington pntks and the park surrounding 1t. The winning design
jlennllel Sllallllng 02A$1Sth€ Rnctcnnnn Dcnsnnngni in emerged from a two—stage national design com-
lnlennl e0nnnnnleall0n$ €lllee· 2002_0g_ petition that attracted 158 entrants from 30 states.
l0l' fer C¤¤e¤‘eSS¤¤a¤ Ben Cllan· The memorial will honor six Worcester
dler. Spalding came to the Andrea Tindell ’04 HS l$ a firefighters who died trying to save the lives of
P0Slll0n Wllll Sevelal Yeats Ol t>hySi¢i¤¤ nsslslnnl at llle nen‘ others in an abandoned warehouse fire. Their
e>¤iSville- Lucey, Jay Lyons, Jee ivreouirie and Ltrem
banking Officer in Annapoiiss   Vail 904   is €mpiOy€d SPCHCBI`, SIITIOH SHlCl 1I]“HI'l EIl'l1Cl€ OIT
Mdss with BB&Ts She tomcd the by the United Statics District LansdscapeO11lzne.c011z. sThe memorial represents
bank in 2003. K 6 sti ng i s st imtiw Court tm the Wtsstsm District the intentions of these firefighters to find each
Ot tmmons Ohta Oivitgiiiitt HG insides iii other during a tragic- fire on the night of Dec. 3,
i ROmiOisc_Va_ 1999.The memorial is meant to represent the
j Derek Keeling ’03 FA recently bravery, fellowship, brotherhood and heroism of
§ starred as Danny Zuko in the Tyna Wheat ’04 BE of Louis- these men and of all fire fighters."
l Valentine Tlieatre`S national ville is lne vice PFeSl€lenl Gt According to Simon, the primary memorial is
l tour presentation of the musical nlatkellng Wlln Ellenstien defined by six vertical elements honoring each
i "Grer1se. " He resides in Charles- Stores Wltete she is also vice firefighter who died in the fire. Alone, the vertical
t0n,W.Va. president of ntef¢ha¤diSi¤g- elements stand tall and bold to honor each fire
Mass fighter individually. The firefighters inten-
Mdsassn ,03 s-   tiogislyvert-2 totfind each other isn this buildsing
, . f. .   an e s ruc ures can inwar as 1 reac -
s(:s4€l?s;?s;_   if ig, ing, symbolically, for needed support to ac-
Y . .     complish this purpose.
  it   Though never physically joined, at night
mi urban g ’ the lines of the elements are extended
pimmmg thrsssngli rays of pioiected gtpcnlsed slight.
. . I . e eanin co umns o 1 t 01n at a
cl?/ll englnecmg and landscaee single point ingthe sky and age syimbolic of
elchllecwm Celepemy MCLelCu` the fire fighters’ ultimate unity.
gijiiiiigéeii Igmve resides m A During the past lt) yézgggala Simon  
‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ssociates, previous y onsu ting ,
Jeffrey J. Ullmer ’03 BE has it .·i_ _ é i i Engineers Inc., has provided professional i
graduated frgm [hg U_S_ Army       CI`lglH€€I`lIlg E:lIlCl d€sSlgIl S€I`VlC€S ti"lI`Ol1gl`lOUl
Reconnaissance and Surveil- " Massachusetts. Project work has included
lance Leadership Course at Fort site analysis, zoning, permitting, working
Benning in Cglurpbug Gn__ Hg drawings and construction administration. i
is a native of Centerville, Ohio.