Minutes of the reular quarterly meeting of the Board of
Trustees, University of Kentuck-yr, for Tuesday, Avaril 15, 1930.

     The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met
in regular quarterly session in t-he President's office at the
University of Kentuck- on Tuesday, April 15, 1930 at 10:30
a. m.  The following members were Dresent:   Governor Flem
D. S3mpson, Judge R. C. Stoll, ht. James Park, Mr. Robert G.
Gordon, Mr. J. R. Rash, Mr. Louis Hillenmayer, Mr. J. B. An-
drews, and Dr. W. W. Wash.   Meeting with the Board were Frank
L. McVey, President of the University, and Wellington Patrick,
     1. Settlement with. J. T. Jackson Lumber Company for Con-
struc-ion of Memorial Building.   A communication from Mr.
J. P. Johnston, attorney for the University, recommending a
settlement with the J. T. Jnackson Lumber Company for the con-
struction of the Memorial Building was presented, read, and
ordered incorporated in tie minutes.   A motion was zmade,
seconded and carried that the advice of the University counsel
be carried out.   The letter was as follows:

                                 2 April, 1930

   Mr. D. H. Peak,
   Business Agent,
   University of Kentucky,
   Lexington, Ny.

   Dear Mr. Peak:

                          In Re: Memorial Hall.

              I amn herewith returning to you the file in
   connection with the Memorial Hall with a view to the
   payment of all outstanding claims against J. T. Jack-
   son Lumber Company in connection with the building,

             From Mr. Crutcher's letter to Dr. McVey,
   dated February 12, 1930, it appears that there is now
   due to the J. T. Jackson Lumber Company on the contract
   for the erection of this building a balance of $2,713.70.
   From this letter there also appear to be outstanding
   and unpaid bills as of the date thereof, as follows: