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y month to defray tutoring costs. lf a veteran is having sustained on active duty. Persons whose fathers were killed
e difficulty in a particular course he can receive the $50 to while serving in the armed forces or died as a result of
Z pay a tutor. service connected disability do not have to pay tuition fees
l Another new program provides payment for any existing to state supported institutions of higher education provided
· breaks between the spring and summer semesters. Previous- the father was a resident of Kentucky when entering the
l ly, when a veteran finished the spring semester his benefits service and was killed while serving in a declared war or .
would end, even though he might begin summer classes in other hostile actions engaged by the U.S. military forces.
I two or three days. With the tuition paid by the state, many dependents find
  As an example, the spring semester for T974 ended May the additional monthly benefits adequate since the initial `
ll. At the beginning of May the veteran received a check for costs of beginning each semester are not paid for out of Gl
the eleven days left in the spring semester. He then waited Bill entitlements.
until the first of june to receive the payment for attending joseph L. Rosenbaum, an Air Force veteran, finds he W
, school from May 13, when the summer intersession began. must borrow money at the beginning of each semester to
The check would only include the time until june ll when cover tuition and book costs. "l’m not working and l’m
the intersession ended, though the next day classes would barely getting by on the VA checks," says Rosenbaum. "Of
begin for the eight week summer classes. The veteran then course, I don’t pay rent for the house I live in ..... lf I had to
would wait until the first of july to receive payment for pay rent, there’d be no way, just no way to make it through
classes attended from june I2 until the end of june. The the semesten l’m not quarreling with VA yet, since they
july check would have the payment for the entire month of haven"; gcrewed my checks up, but a number of vets I know
, lUlY. The h€W Pl'0gT3m will do HWHY with this SYS'f€m of have had to wait for their checks for two, three and even
I payments. four months.
The new program for continuous pay applies only to "As for increasing benefits, l say there needs to be a cost
l veterans attending at least as a one-half time student in the of living clause attached to the payments that would enable
I spring semester and at least a one-half time student in the automatic increases to take effect as an anti-inflation mea-
I summer sessions. sure. They give raises to Gls, don’t they?"
l Veterans are not paid for the break between the end of Many proposals are before Congress now advocating
the eight-week summer term and fall classes. Enrollments increases in the amount of money and the number of
can only be submitted for an academic year which includes months the vet is allowed to receive such benefits. Ander-
fall, spring, and summer. son believes chances for benefits to increase are good.
Sons and daughters of veterans who have died or who "Larry Hopkins, representative from the 76th district
are permanently and totally disabled as the result of a (Lexington) is on the Education, Health and Welfare com-
service-connected injury also can receive Gl benefits. mittec and he’s sympathetic to our cause," she says. "Signs
Widows of those veterans who received a service connected for increase are looking good, but l couldn’t go on record as
disability while on active duty and die of such injury saying it’s a definite thing ..... you never can tel|."
receive complete benefits. Should the benefits increase by l0 percent, it would
Kentucky is one of the few states providing a Tuition mean roughly an additional six dollars per week for vets.
Waiver program for dependents of veterans who have either Though this addition would not be turned down, it won’t
j died or have a total disability rating resulting from injuries erase the problems plaguing the system now.
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