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S C _I_ S ,.·.,A     Q U. E Q E I L. 2 B ii;  
M A |_ |_ U    
' ` Qihgwigigyi 2 A short time ago, I visited a little
W   E girl in the ward of our hospital who had
f{$§j@Q°   Q been severely burned as the result Of
,§§§§§§§§@ /’r /}&§Q?“*“‘"` ’"‘` '‘"‘“ § playing with matches.
;¥$§§%§§@§§§§y5¤*. ‘`‘‘» <:;E-T. g TO see this tot so badly burned and how
__;ggg¢§g§*@;Qgg{j@g;g§g;g;,;;;g;;;gg;g;§g§·E¤€¤&¢;#>¤¤*‘*"‘ A   intensely She Surremd, certainly
` Alld s` F\F{:)W~ /\‘[D§ justifies every effort we can make to r
' § educate children that matches and fire
§ are not playthings. `
Ql*[§‘_I§_I_§_fIE_D The yearl942   .
is here with Q WE, adults, are largely responsible for
§_Q_§ I_§_§_§_§ plenty of un- Q this suffering and tragic loss of life
finished busi- § resulting from fire and until we accept
ness in accident prevention effort on the§ the full responsibility of educating
part of every employee. We usually E our children regarding the hazards of
think of forgettin mistakes and beginning? playing with matches and fire they will
all over again with a fresh start at the Q continue to suffer and die because of
onset of a new year. However, in our E our indifference to a moral, individual
accident prevention work there is no § obligation that we owe to the safety of
stopping and getting a "fresh start" be- § our boys and girls of this nation.
cause remembering our mistakes and cor- §
recting them is the basis of all acci- i
dent prevention,  
We must become more and more conscious ofi—
our responsibilities and continue our § Do you examire the top from time to time
whole-hearted effort in preventing acci— i during the day to determine if you are
dents. No year stands by itself. We _ _ § working under safe conditions?
have only to examine our records for the § ”
year l94l to see that many of the mis- Q Do you set safety and permanent timbers
takes are ones that should not have been § in accordance with the Rules and Stand-
made. Concentrated effort on the part Q ards made for your protection?
of everyone is necessary in order to i
avoid repeating the same mistakes. Q Do you keep your powder at least fifty
Q feet from the face and separated from ,
Cur "unfinished business" is not planned? your blasting caps at least twelve feet?
for just one year, but for the years §
ahead. Let us all work together, each Q Do you tamp all drill holes to thc mouth
one doing his bit, and we will avoid § with incombustible material?
making the mistakes of the past. Q
§ Do you always provide yourself with a { ,
__i_safe shooting cable, of tho proper .
§ length, and observe all the other rules
é of shooting. A °
GIVE YOUR MIND QB§_ One's safety no § ___ l _______________
GREEN LIGHT matter where he is Q
depends to a great § EXPERIENCED MIDEEQ
extent on the condition of the mind — - §
whether or not it is on what is being i More than BO per cent of the men killed
done. It is hardly possible to do one § in the mines of Kentucky last year had
thing and think about another without i more than five years mining experience.
getting into trouble sooner cr later. 5
Whether we are at home, at work, or on § Watch out, you experienced men, you seem
the highway, danger in some form is § to be the boys who get careless.
usually present. Q