v ° · · * [
¤» ; ”Didn't sound the roof back in the rar
  _ ° Fl { pp v_ _ _   V_V:_  yesterday, some of it may have_w0rkedV   V, ..., , .V
·* »-*— ··   ‘° " ’ " ‘ ‘ icons. wiii doit first thing today." #
V *{ y ‘ i
`   { /0 Q1 t' \ _ '  
·   A `_<~ » r ”'I‘ook a chance yesterday working under L.
g Q/;’ that piece of slate that did not look any  
Q — -»-.~           ‘_   too good. "Shouldthave set another. DGSQZQ3 g `
; i {V/4,),,}.: {IU//zj}’ A_c. · i V     under it before loading that last '_ee.r_.Y#Vj,;   V
" rw, Q "Heard there were a few miners killed by i V
the trolley wire last month because they  
were not paying attention and getting  
H     A   5  of the man—trips on the wrong side,`QC·j 5* 
· , VV _ _ lhave done that, too. Never again.? It _   ‘ _
_   C     U { Id A4 "liaven't; paid much attention to   shoot-·V
» » L ing cable lately. Gettim _a little short A -
‘_ ‘ V and has bare spots on-it, Better get a ‘ M
‘_     ID   • A a new one. Do not want a charge of y I
  v_   "' V powderrto go eff in my faee." ` TV ;Q ·
S V. " ` =   » V, ; `   if
  "Something to that talk I heard at the ji
{ . A 4 - · Safety Meeting about LUCK not having  
‘   A LIFE IS SAWDM1   y _   V‘ anything to aewith keeping a man from  
A     » , gettinghurt or killed. We take too many 2
"How- prompt application of Bureau of Mines; Ch:mCOS’ and the HOKE .0nO might tm my   
first-Laid measures Vby fellowemployees i last" BOUQGTV bg Camfill itnall i?lm9S'V.   y..,  
saved the life of a coal miner."` -.~A _ g You mmm pus ymlr uc ° l , _ V’ i ’  
"The miner, Fred Hedrick of Mabseott W. _ _ _ ,_ . I ' V Q § _
Va.,z suffered a serious electric shock .r‘‘   MINE GAR`°’.MOTmP`S’ QUITDIG -V;    
when he accidently contacted a power line   ” V ‘ A - ’ ` A  
wniis in Liiiybnnnk coal company Affinity V"·ND LF’*“?ING M"U‘TIm?i‘S QANUF Tum'     `-ag
Slope Mine near Mabscott. Artificial Z A 9 ‘     ’ {     5 V. `·   A Ii  
respiirationwas administered by Wm.tStaf-V   lg YQUR 3:OBf ` ·‘ V {    
ford, Section Foreman, and Ira Amburgey   . .A_r·   :_ `—  `L   ‘ Q 5 g  ` it ‘— f··”;* § V
and .Tames` Sorrelll to Vthetuneenscious A _ ¤‘           _. V: I i “   · J,   A
man. All three hold first-aid,certificates '     i  “ " ‘ " 5   A
issued by the Bureau. After two hours of A A G', ‘ ,· V ` ` ·  
continous treatment Hedrick was breathing * ' A "d __,' -‘         w
voluntarily. He regained consieusness `   I N _; { __ V  _`   ~ ° tg   .-
after Fire Chief Wcidensall of the Beckley `   .   'V           ' °   '
(W. Va.) Fire Department administered '`»~ # Y   ~f‘_`{,e=?;Agi$·j;,}¤¥%‘ \   · 3  
oxygen through an irhalator. Chief Weiden—   > O Q J   }!,\ ,_s_ _ L_ y-
sall, who also holds ·a Bureau of Mines U ? _ "} Q V (A _ }_(e_\; \ ,   —_ `T -
first-aid certificate, hadbeen summoned   J   (WN   jh? » Q
to the mine by A-. F. Whitt General Supt." S ' ‘? § ij A · 3 ·f ‘
Z   _, ,?_V. V A I?   \_ pg, ,,4 ___,’_, ti l
"There is no doubt "fthat“"Mr. Hedricklis V ? ` " "`   ri Q     ‘   V   1
alive today because his fellow employees E ?     ‘,‘;_V_ ,·"-·";
had received first aid training, Dr. Sayers FIND THE MMEJR WHO  
§©P<>I‘l@ed_1te’ llir. H. _L,,Ickes· ;CI?QditV is,. 23.150 ·   A AV   -   ~·SmD 5p,FE·ry qgUL~E$---··-»  
uc CV;i_e,L noidensall for h1S part 111 *310 WERE THE E>u\\\}¢,/
resuscitsrtien." K L
. I _
From a Bureau of Mines Report. F NATIONAL SAFETY COUNCIL ·