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Bulletin 421, U. S. Bureau Of Mines, The ` have worked in and around mines (surface
Joseph A. Holmes Safety Association And ```E iiand underground) for more than 50 years
Its Awards gives some thousands of out- without a lost—time accident. A metal mine
l standing Safety Records by indiVidueIS ',_ has raised to the surface more than
A and coal companies as a whole. It details l3,000,000_tons of rock without a fatality;
, a wealth of safety information, and if the A coal mine has hoisted over 4,000,000 =
idea is accepted that what one company, tons without a fatality; an open—cut cop-`
` mine, or individual has done, others can per mine has handled upwards of 75,000,000 3
, do, there is no doubt that many mines can tons of rock and an open—cut coal mine ·
A be conducted with little if any higher more than 90,000,000 tons of coal and 3
accident occurrence than that in most _ overburden without a fatality. An under-
, ’ other lines of industrial endeavor.‘ ground noncoal mine produced over one
, · `, _ million tons of rock, working more than
’ Coal and noncoal mines, underground as six years without a lost—time accident. Ty
( well as surface, have been operated for , -_ »
many years one for at least BO yearsG A cement plant operating a surface quarry n
without a fatality, or for many months worked more than twelve years without a
A (many for l or more years and one for 6 lost time accident and in that time pro-
i years), without a lost—time accident. duced more than 25,000,000 sacks of cement; ~
g and numerous cement plants having mines or
i Mine operating officials have worked under quarries have worked from l to ll years
` ground sections of mines for several hund— without a lost-time accident. And the
red thousand man—hours without a lost-time record goes on and on for many more
"accident; and dozens of individual miners safety accomplishments.
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