· l
1; C(lN'1`l·lN'1`> \‘11 .g
Fig. Page  
  31. After coal has been blasted. the coal pile should be wet.  
€ down thoroughly with water before coal is loaded- _ 98 3
32. \Vater should be applied to the broken coal as it is  
being loaded with the loading machine ___________ 99 i
33. Loaded cars of coal should be sprayed with water to {
S reduce dustiness of haulage roads ________________ 100 1
‘ 34. The flame safety lamp is commonly used to detect .1
  explosive gas and oxygen deficiency in coal mines, _ 102 `
i 35. A mine ofiicial should leave his initials and date if
  mark at the face of each working place when he
,' makes his examination .._......__._..._......,_ 100 ‘
` 36. The air should be tested frequently for explosive E
gas in places where electric equipment is in 1
___ operation s__s..._._........ 1 .....s...._....... 108 `
"£ 37. Collecting a sample of air from behind a fire seal ____ 1 15
” 38. Ventilating fans should be of adequate size and capac-
E ity to ventilate the mine properly- -_.. __.._______ 120 j
  39. Mudcappcd shots are dangerous. When boulders
E are blasted holes are first. drilled in them .___,_,_ 131
i* 40. Clay or other incombustible material   used for
stemming ,..... . ..,.. .1. .....,... 1 .........,. 133 .
#1.1. An explosion in a Pennsylvania mine traveled to the
outside and destroyed the coal tipple .._..._.1_,, l~1tl
` 42. A mine rescue crew prepares to enter a mine after an .
explosion ____ _ ____, ._ __,,__1_ .. .. ._..__ . _._,____, 143 l
43. Oxygen-breathing-apparatus crew leaving fresh—air *
base for an exploration trip after a mine explosion_ 146 t
44. Explosives should be transported into the mine in
well—constructed, insulation-lined explosives cars __ 153 ;
45. An insulated coupling should be used when explosives {
cars are hauled by electric l()(5()ll1()l·1V(‘S.._.... 1 151 `
46. The tamping stick is used to measure the depth of
the undercut and to gage the depth and location
of the borehole ____________ . _,,,.______,,,___, . 1.30