Kentucky Agricultural Experinzcnt Station. 3
L. R. Himmelberger from department of diseases of live ‘
` stock to department of animal husbandry (beef cattle, sheep
and swine), July, 1916.
N. R. Elliott from department of horticulture to extension
division, June, 1916.
,l‘;lTllil)IN(jS Asn l‘lQl?Il’)IliXT. Fifteen double colony houses
and eonsiderable equipment have been added to the poultry
farm. A number of maeadam roads have been constructed on
the tarm and several patent gates erected. Numerous small ad-
ditions in the wa_v of apparatus have been made to all depart-
ments and several hundred volumes have been added to the li- ·
N(>'l‘.\lSlil·l \Vom<. ltriet mention may be made here ot cer-
tain noteworthy pieees of work. more tiully treated in the de-
` partment reports and in bulletins of this Station. The import-
anee ot lysine in a ration tor growing ehieks was shown in a
' series ot experiments deseribed in linlletin 197. lt was shown
that when lysine was not present in suttieient quantity in the ra-
tion. the growth ot? the ehieks was stunted and development re-
tarded: whereas. with abundant lysine in the ration. growth and
development were normal.
('lnr work on the viability ot? blnegrass seed shows that low
pereentage ol' germination otten tonnd in the eommer¤·ial arti-
ele can be largel_v aseribed to allowing the seed to overheat in
enring. 'l`he details ot this work will be tonnd in llnlletin lfls. ’
i (ilne ol` onr most important lines oli work is tl1e stndy ol` soil.
t`ertility by means of the several experiment lields loeated