4 Tzeenty-print]; Aimual Report of the
should not be allowedto grow near locust groves, or the insects _
should be destroyed by means of poison applied to the flowers.
Experiments on hogging down soy beans and eowpeas, dc-
scribed in Bulletin 201, have given valuable practical results.
An interesting and valuable study of the marketing of
\Vhite Burley tobacco in Central Kentucky has been made, as
described in liulletin 202.
Good progress has been made in our investigations on in-
fectious abortion in mares. as reported in liulletin 204, on that
` subject.
An egg-laying contest. including 30 pens of 5 pullets each.
from Kentucky and other States, was begun November tirst of
this year. lt is attracting much attention over the State. as well
as outside of Kentucky and promises to do much toward the
improvement of our poultry industry by calling attention to
· the great pri>ductivencss of well-bred hens.
New Legislation t
\\’ork has been taken up and actively prosecuted under the ·. {
food sanitation law (('hapter 37. Acts of l$)l6) and the seed law
(Chapter 62. Acts of lttlti). which went into etfeet this year.
'l`hc Station is charged with thc e itoreement of both ot these
laws and already great improvenzent in conditions has been
brought about as the result of our cfl'orts.
'l`he act of liegislatnrc t/(`haptc:· 20. Acts of lflltii accepting ·
the provisions of the Smith-Lever law and putting the work in
charge of an "extension committee," became effective immedi-
ately upon its approval by the tiovernor. March l5. lfllti. Ac-
cordingly. the agricnltin·a| extension work was organized under
a separate division of the t`ollcgc of Agriculture. doing awa_v
with the extension work of the lixperiment Station. llnder this
arrangenrent. money which had been used by the Station in .
carrying on extension work is now employed to offset. in part,
the Smith-liever appropriation. V
lt having been decided that the food and drugs law did not
carry any appropriation. the defect was corrected by the passage
of an act tt`hapter 44. Acts of lfllti) atlirniing the appropriation