Jfeiztuc/uy 41QI"tCllHl(?`((l E.l'[JG1`i}llC}l1 Sz‘uz‘i02z. 7
lnlions by Iodine '1`itrz1tion." P. L. B1ll111CllI[l12ll and S. D. Av-
eritt. J. Am. (1110111. Soc. September, 1916.
"The Results of the Use of Hog (`holern Globnlin o11 Three
Tlionseind llogs 1l1 the Field." Robert Graliant. Ain. J. Vet.
Med. Vol. Xl)., No. 9. September, 1916;
"Studies on 1"()1'2l{l'C P()1S()l111lg·;1[.`l Robert Grnliznii and
L. R. lliinnielberger. J. Inf. Dis. Vol. 19, No. 3. September.
"<>n the Distribution of Phosphorus 111 n Yertienl Seetion
ot lilnegrnss Soil." A. M. l’eter. Soil Seienee. October, 1916.
"'l`he Attennntion of 11og (`holern \'irus." D. J. Healy
and li. -l. Gott. -1. lnf. Dis. Vol. 19, No. 4. October. 1916. .
  "Stndies on the Residual Effect of Wi11te1· Feeding of Corn
  Silnge on the Ability of Steers to Gain on 1’z1stnre." E. S. Good i
  l)U[(l1't‘1\1l1. Soe. An. 1’roduetion. [11`l.)2lll2l. lll., Dee. 1, 1916.
E Experiment Station Medal
Q The inednl wais nwnrded to the tollowing gentlemen for
1 nieritorions exhibits during F2l1'l11l*1'S. \Veel§:
R. M. Squires. Lexington, for best exhibit of eorn.
, ll. liehninn. Midway, for best exhibit of ponltry.
Department Reports
Brief reports by the heads of depztrtnients nre given in tl1e
following pnges und the ninilyses of ininernl and potnble wnters
ninde in the ll(‘p2l1`1"E';.;1‘ll1 of eheinistry during the yenr nre puh-
i lished on pages 69 to 98 of this report. ` A