12 Tl(`(‘}l1_Ij-Il‘t)IHL Annual Report 0f the
the language of‘l%aeon. leads rather to fruits lllilll to foliage.
4 'l`he great Dean Swift, i11 l1is 1lll111()1'l2ll satire, inakes o11e ot l1is  
eharaeters say: _
i " ‘And he gave it as l1is opinion, that whoever eould make
two ears of eorn or two blades of grass to grow upon a spot of
ground where (lllly 0110 grew hetore, would deserve hetter of ]llQlIl—
lilllll a11d do 1no1·e essential serviee to his country tl1a11 a.wl1ole
raee ot politicians p11t 1t>Q,'Qlll(}1`.`
".ludged hy tl1is standard, Dr. Kastle’s life was of far more
value to the country than that ot tl1e 1l](‘1'(* politiean. heeause his
whole lil’e was spent i11 developing that great science whieh
ntakes ‘two ears of corn tllltl two hlades ot g1·ass to grow upon
. a spot of ground \\`ll(’l'(l o11ly t)llt‘ grew l)l}f()l'l‘.· 'l`he lahors ot
Dr. lxastle tllltl l1is eollahorators will tinally 111Zll((‘ his native state
l)l<)SS(l1ll like the rose a11d rival tl1e exuherant fertility of the
ttarden ot liden. lt eau he trntlifnlly said of hi111 that the \\'()l'l(l
is rielter heeanse he l1as lived 2lll(l is poorer heeanse l1e has died.
"Be it resolved, therefore. that this testimonial of tl1e worth
` and serviees of Dr. Joseph II. Kastle he spread upon tl1e minutes '
ol` the lioard of (`ontrol of the iliX})(‘l'l1'llt‘1ll Si2lli()ll Hlltl eopies he
turnislied the daily press and his hereaved family.
Johnson N. (`aniden.
R. (1. Stoll.
(`. B. Nichols.
H. S. Barker.
Stalt ol' t|1e lixperiinent Station a11d the ]"ElClll1'}' of the ('ollege
ol’ ,\g1·ie11lture, Septeinher 25, 15116;
"Wliereas, hy the working ot a lll_\'S1`l'?l`l()llS l)1.`t>\'l(lt‘ll('(‘, we
have had reinoved l:}'(1111 o11r ranks our diretetor. assoeiate Zllltl
l`riend. l)r. Joseph lloeing Kastle. at tl1e height of his eareer tllltl
l.1‘tllll the midst ot l1is tnost aetive a11d prodnetive lahors, he it _
resolved hy the stalls ol’ tl1e l{Ol11ll(‘l(_\' ;\§Xl'l(‘1ll1'lll’ttl lixperiinent
Statio11 Zllllll tl1e (`ollege ot ;\gfl'1tflll1'1ll'(F of 1'll(‘ llniversity ol`
lientiteky. 111et i11 joint session. that we express our protonnd
sorrow at the loss we have s11st ained hv tl1e renioval ol` l1is sti11111—
lating personality 2lll(l the example of his untlagging industry:
that we view with deep regret the loss l1is death e11tails on Htfl(‘ll('l‘
in ,\lll(’\‘l('2l 2lIl(l l1is native state. to wl1iel1 he has given as teacher
and investigator. 1lllI<‘l\ ol’ the hest years ot l1is hrieti lite.
"l{esolved. that we t‘Xl(‘ll(l to the nienihers ol? l1is li2l111ll_\' our
heart l'elt syntpathy i11 their hereavenient. knowing that words are
l`eehle i11 expressing the thoughts whieh <·o111e to ns on sneh oe-