` lfentneky Agrieulturul Emperintcnt S2‘ut1`0n. 17 i
tiev· actively continued and a manuscript begun for a bulletin or eir-
11`Cll eular to be entitled. "Hints to Kentucky Apple Growers on
Marketing. "
Strrov or run M}~.m;m·1xo or Mun; IN Lnxixcrrox. This _
atlV° study, originally begun in the spring of 1915 and partially eom-
pleted at that time. was suspended on the {irst of May that year
>pin- in order that the head of the department might take advantage
eting ot the good weather and road conditions of the summer to make —
cond, a mueh needed investigation of social conditions in one of our A
vera- lllue (lrass eounties. Sinee that time it has been impossible. for
it of various reasons. to complete this study. XVith the assistance of
bd in Mr. \Vessou. ile expeet to eomplete this investigation during the ··
was eoming spring months.
> has Srrov on *rnn )l.\I{Kl·]'l`INti ov lioos. A eonsiderahle amount
sum- of preliminary work has heen done in the study of the methods
part— of the marketing ol` eggs. with reference to Kentueliy eonditions.
work This work has so far eonsisted mainly in (‘(>l'l't‘%[)()l1tl\‘llt‘t‘ with
e the reeeivers of Kentneky eggs at the large marketing eenters ot’ the
first. eountry. personal interviews with 1nen1hers ol? the trade in (`in-
eiunati and eorrespontlenee with various egg shipping soeieties
[astle in other states.
‘ed to ln the worlc done so l°:1r on this study it has heeome evident
tit to that there is a trememlous amount of wastage in the present
ts for method of the marketing ol’ eggs. ,\eeor