18 Tzvmzity-ririntlzr Annual Report 0f the
As lO11g` as eggs continue to be bought by tl1e case-e0u11t method ]
there will be absolutely 110 1l1LlUCC111Cl1iZ for tl1e farmer who sells ,
to tl1e dealer t0 try to take proper eare of l1is eggs, whereas ,
u11der the loss—0tf system C&lCl1 egg is candled 311(ll payllléllt 11121tlC ,
only for good ()l1€S. An excellent illustration of tl1e wastage i
U11(lCl` tl1e prese11t system is given i11 tl1e following statement i
kindly furnished by Mr. Wo0tt—11, Secretary and Treasurer of ,
Lett 8: Co., Cincinnati, ()l1io. On tl1e 20th ot ·luly, lletti & t`o.,
received ]f1`()11l a country merchant at Gerinantown, Kentucky. -
a shipment of 18 eases of eggs, eo11tai11ing 5-l0 dozen. At that .
time the eonnnission 1nerel1ant was paying for tl1e tirsts 211,,1/Qc
I pe1· dozen, less   C()ll]ll1lSSl()ll. On being C2l]1(llC(l, tl1is lot was
found to co11tai11 198 (l()Z0ll seconds and "eraeks," due to their
being Slllilll, dirty, shrunken or cracked, and 42 "ringers" and
"r0ts," and the loss was approximately $10.25, or a total loss-
. oft o11 lllt} whole lot of $25.00, a loss of practically tive cents a
dozen, and tl1e eggs, therefore, instead of netting tl1e merchant
241 ge less 5% commission, actually netted him 191,/ge less  
Mr. \Vooten informs me that such instances are by no means rare.
and that this particular lllilll is 011e of thei1· best shippers.
Miiseminvxroiis. ln additio11 to these speeitic studies we
have endeavored to familiarize ourselves with tl1e ways in which
marketing problems have been solved in other states andin other
4 eountries. 'l`hru the aequisition and reading of bulletins, press
reports. governmental doeuments; thru a considerable amount of
eor1·esponde1nee. a11d thru ou1· membership in the National
Marketing Ot’ficials` Association we have been enabled to get into
pretty close toueh with the situation all over this country and in
liurope. and lll(‘l't‘ has been brought together n1ate1·ial which. it
it eould be gotten to the farmers ofthe State of Kentucky. would
be ot immense praetical value.
Sti1rA1.\nY. l<`rom all of our studies of marketing we have
come to the conclusion, reached by all careful students of the
question in other states. that intelligence and honesty in grading
and in paeking products is the keynote to suceess in marketing.
As indieated in my last annual report, this State should have a
law governing the grading and packing of farm produets. This